finally hit exaulted with AD today to get the 15 fire resist enchant and its not even on the vendor. apparently i have to turn in 25 argent dawn commisions first to be able to buy it.
unless im missing something here its a big slap in the face to their players time after grinding that rep out just to make the player kill hundreds of more mobs or hours worth of dungeon grinding. this is a sod exclusive thing so the current developers decided to waste our time on this.
Should have been at least a PSA on this one, a guildie hit exalted and gave me the heads up so during my Cauldron grind i saved up the 25 tokens needed.
They attached it behind the wall for the Chromatic Mantle.
Like Alarak says: “Waste of time and energy”
you can skip it.
Yes and no
Yes: If you really dont care, its optional.
No: If you are like me and fanatically wanted that rep done because I have problems.
My point is after grinding ALOT of hours to hit exaulted its a big F U to the player making them spend hours farming up tokens after you hit exaulted.
uhhhh all the resist shoulders enchants are locked behind the turn-ins… 100% your fault. I knew this tons of other ppl knew this why didn’t you?
since when do vendors just sell stuff for free? you’re buying a one-of-a-kind item.
I figured after grinding for weeks to get exaulted i could buy the enchant for gold right away, doesnt seem like a reach to me. When i looked up the argent dawn 15 fire resist enchant all you get is a wowhead article that says it was datamined.
well seeing as all the other AD resist enchants require you to do the turn-in quest why would this one not???
Requiring exalted for this was stupid in the first place.
Hahah, get rekt loser. See you in scholomance to roll on some scourgestones. Oh yeah, welcome to classic vanilla wow. It’s been this way since forever and it’s been on wowhead for ages.
It’s been a very long time since I did ad rep but isn’t this the same way it was back in vanilla 20 years ago?