Argent Crusader's Tabard & Title <Crusader> can we still get it?

My understanding is that it costs 50 tokens but I don’t see it available from the vendor.

WoWHead comments/guides are very outdated but it’s supposed to require [Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde] - but this achievement does not show up when I search for it.

Anyone know?

It shows up for me.

It is under Expansion Features - Argent Tournament.

Thank you for checking for me!

Wow, kind of crazy requirements. Not only Exalted with everyone, but like 30 days of Argent Tournie dailies to become Champion of each city. Then 50 more marks to farm… Geuss this one is out for me haha

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It wouldn’t be hard. At level 70 you’ll steamroll ALL of quests and stuff with the exception of the jousting quest. Thirty minutes a day tops.

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