Arg1 CHAT_MSG_GUILD returning garbage

Not sure if anyone else is running into the same issue, but attempting to perform any string.match()/string.sub(), etc. on position one of the CHAT_MSG_GUILD table returns garbage characters: Kv9kL|k <- entirely dependent on the message send.

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It’s a problem that has been noted.

It’s deliberate - No Community channels can be parsed by addons any more.

Why the heck they decided to dump Guild in with them in the first place baffles me and they’re using the fact that they’re there to justify addons communicating using Guild Chat, but there it is.

I wouldn’t expect it to revert.

God, that’s so depressing. We shared images and youtube links all the time in guild chat, and without Prat making the links clickable, it makes using guild chat for that utterly useless. Blizzard’s decision making blows my mind sometimes. I thought this was supposed to be a social game.