Arfus is massively disrespectful towards your players and their time

Not everyone has any day off roughly.
Not to mention, there are household responsibilities that should be done at least every so often.
main importance raising children and supporting families.
being single good for anyone but you still have to earn a living either way. time is in fact extremely limited, enjoying the days you do have off is great, but there are better ways to do so, rather than playing the game or any blizzard game.

when talking about that previous stuff.

but on the main topic, it is without a doubt a slap in the face to the players, who do not have time to play the game as often as they’d want to or have the realization that life is much more important, than sitting or standing in front of the glowing screen from our monitors.
I’d say not everything should be on a very miniscule drop rate points finger at Invinicible cause that mount is one such culprit that causes people to stop farming it for so long due to rng, now I am not saying it should be 100% with pets, mounts, and toys. but it should be consistent and High or as some mentioned rewarded for just playing the game for being yourself as a player regarding your skill level. as a bonus.

I’d say the old fashion is literally in this day and age “Lootbox” adrenaline.

It’s a cartoon pet, you’ll be fine.

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I have the pet bruh. Its about the principle.


It’s amazing to see people flock to defend this billion dollar company LMAO why would anyone even post in this thread to “disagree” :rofl:


Because they are trolls. Trolls will troll.


why not just make everything a guaranteed drop, that way you don’t have to worry about getting something, i’m sure everyone having all drops would improve the game <\sarcasm>


Imagine if Blizzard respected our Time and our Money.

Holidays would have new high resolution items to farm every year with a vendor that sold past year items for holiday currency.

Holiday events come around once a year, which is more than enough time for blizzard to design items for it (Trading Post proves this.)

Seems like a no brainer to me.

At least better than spending 2 weeks slamming alt army through 1 type of content for a super rare low resolution item from 15 years ago…

I suppose for me, it’s because there are things about the game that I have found made it more fun to me over the years. Getting that rare item for example… would be one of those things lol

That’s roughly the same logic gambling addicts use.

Its kinda like the HH mount. I have been trying for 13 years to get it. Now that everyone is getting it, and now that I have finally gotten mine, it doesn’t feel as special.

Everybody having everything makes it boring to have. I dunno why that’s a hard concept for people. Getting something that will disappear one day makes you treasure that thing if you have it or makes you want to try harder for it if there is a limited time to obtain it or it’s just hard to get. That is NOT disrespectful of people’s “time” if it’s a fair chance of getting it among everybody else and it seems worth doing to that person. If you want it, and you get it, it’s rewarding.

If everybody has it, then who cares.

I have 867 pets and I care for like 2 of them.

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We’re talking about a holiday event that comes around once a year with a boss that takes like 2 minutes to kill. There’s nothing “rewarding” about it. If you want something that is actually rare and is truly rewarding, go push for Gladiator or get CE.

Like you said:

You can. It’s worth 30 gold. I vendored my second Arfus on my one account, since I couldn’t give it to my other account.

I haven’t even seen the dragon saddle drop for anyone yet.

Monkey’s paw game design. It’s their core method these days.

Well, you already provided an answer…both can be true.



Then combine both by adding RNG drop that have a side grind / time sink as bad luck protection, only doing RNG leads to a frustating experience, doing both like Devs did for Time Rift and other mounts from SL leads to a rewarding game, that provides GOALS. Instead of a Slot machine.

Especially with a bunch of queue times being 30-40 mins because Blizz hasn’t fixed queues.

The seasonal stuff has always had something with a super low drop rate… this is going on two decades now. And there’s a pet with that model already that is very easy to get, he even has a hat! Your time wasting is self-inflicted, they’re using the same design they always have, you just have a fixation and want this one specific thing.

What is it with this obsession of ‘wasted time’ in a video game?


Wholeheartedly agree OP. RNG is a disrespect of our time and it’s got to go.

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not having arfus will reflect poorly on your resume :joy: :joy:


Not two years ago it wasn’t when they introduced that flying mount off boss near the Time Tunnel for Yearly birthday party…on day 1 so many complaints came in about low drop rate and players having to bring in alts to try for the mount drop that the very next day blizzard changed it and the mount drop instantly for everyone…nobody was forced to having bring in a ton of alts for the mount drop…so why was it ok to do this two years ago but not this year with very low drop rate of Arfus…


Just wait because there’s a new mount for Doomwalker this year already datamined, I want to see if Blizzard commits the same mistake again by doing a low drop rate first or if it’s a 100% drop. IMO, raising the drop from a really low % to 100% is also a mistake.

Devs should keep low % but add a vendor for timewarped badges, that’s the middle ground that a lot of collectors want for this kind of cosmetics that are seasonal.