Arenas FILLED with paid carries

Literally just queue in the highest members MMR bracket. Solved overnight.


Just FYI to all those talking about the PvE side of things people bought plenty of carries in BfA and Legion as well when loot rained from the skies.


How are you letting somebody essentially
Solo your team in 2s?


The entire sales community needs to be banned. Both in retail and classic. I did not used to think so, but at this point the game is overrun with this stuff.


The only way to fix this is by reintroducing teams. Making it to where you have a cooldown and can only change teams once a week. It would prevent the mass majority of people paying to be completely boned.

PvP gear just shouldn’t be good for PvE, problem solved… mostly.


Why do you think the gear progression in pvp is done through rating? So people buy rating boosts -> blizz makes $ from token sales.


Makes me want to stay in unrated honestly. I was thinking about going in to rated, but if it’s rigged like this, it’s totally unfair advantage of people basically cheating their way to the top. Yeah, I’ll just stay unrated and pvp for fun. <3


Happens to all forms of end game content. Pugging keys are rife with people that don’t belong in anything above a +3 because all they do is buy boosts.


If I had that kind of money to throw away, I would def throw it away for carries. I mean if I didnt need it… Id rather just get carried and do other things then do anything in this game seriously. If i had the dough though


It’s not “illegal”, and even coloring it as “wrong” is a bit far fetched. Yes, it does suck to be in that 1300-1500 and 1700-1900 Windows where these carries happen, but it’s perfectly legit.

That said, it feels bad. It feels bad to queue into a warrior with 233 weapon who globals you. I don’t know what the right answer is. If the match making algorithm was perfect, it would recognize these “carry groups” and put them all together, but how?

It’s not “wrong” or whatever, but it doesn’t feel good. I’m with some of the posters above, I think the “real” answer here is to not force PvE players into PvP, and that’s done by giving PvE an equivalent to gearing path.


They’re usually not participating in the match. Could screw up with CC, ya’know.

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I don’t usually like pay to win, but since I don’t respect PvP and don’t think Blizz’s current loot system is remotely fair, I’d probably pay for an edge in the other content I do like.

If I had cash to burn.

But I’ve seen enough for this patch even without it. It’s too late for Blizz to fix anything now and nothing will get better until at least 9.1.

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You aren’t going to have to worry about it until after you hit 1600, and that’s a long way from 0 if you don’t already do rated PVP.

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that’s the problem with giving everyone $$ without considering real need.

I believe first time around people were on here spending it to buy gold for the AH mount.

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Not going to happen because of who is in charge. I would not at all be surprised to learn he and/or his guild sell carries or sold them in the past.


easy stop doing arenas since the game is stacked

So basically you couldn’t handle one person nailing there cooldowns, but thought some how you’d be able to push beyond 2k if it weren’t for these pesky carries… ok then.


It affects us just the same. Someone pays for a carry, and it’s ultimately easier to carry in PVE, and than they get an IO and iLVL they did not earn, so when they try to sign up to a group you think “Oh this guy is good” but in fact they blow hard and ruin your run.

There are more and more carries in arena now also because it’s easier to get gear from that, a simply 1800 rating gives you basically free heroic raid level gear that you can choose which slot to put the gear in, and that’s most of the reason you are seeing carries.

And I see them also in 2’s, where someone at 1500 rating is grouped with someone at 500 rating, but they might not just be carries, more so using a low rating team mate to lower your MMR and get easier wins, which almost never works in arena anyway.

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It’s funny when people ask me to pay them for carries when they don’t even bother to get me drunk…hic!