@Arena3 Macro Help

Hi, I use to play Cata Classic and this specific kind of macro is not working on @arena3

/cast [nomod,@target] [mod:ctrl,@arena1][mod:alt, @arena2][mod:ctrl,mod:alt,@arena3] Heroic Throw; [mod:shift] Shattering Throw

all others funcions (@arena1, 2, shattering throw etc) are working
but @arena3 is not.

I also have checked if my ctrl+alt+(key) is bounded to other keybind but its not.

anyone knows whats the issue?
ty in advance

/cast [mod:shift] Shattering Throw; [mod:ctrlalt,@arena3] [mod:alt,@arena2] [mod:ctrl,@arena1] [] Heroic Throw

God Bless you. TY :+1: