Arena World Championship Lands in Dragonflight!

Arena World Championship Lands in Dragonflight!

The Arena World Championship is making its premiere in Dragonflight and kicking off the new year of WoW Esports!

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Do not remove double tap.

Why no RSS cup?

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San Dimas High School Football Rules


glad it’s on twitch now too


Please make a RSS cup, no one really enjoys premade 3s…. SS should definitely be given an opportunity and spilt the prize money between the two!!!

Where’s the downvote button?


Any fearless dragon watcher titles?

:milky_way: :purple_square: :milky_way: :purple_square:


What are you giving players for tuning in this time?


i’m so happy for the 5 people that will tune in.


Or, here me out, you could take that prize money and hire, like, 3 devs for the PVP development team. For an entire year.

Like, if you setup a strawpoll how many people do you think would vote for this same boring yawnfest over, say, actual, proper PVP tuning, that will not only make their own playing experience infinitely better (causing them to play and engage more), but also shortens RSS queues all on its own by making it so healers arent afraid to queue up anymore (causing everyone to play more often and engage more).


I am having a really hard time looking forward to this knowing hunters in such bad shape. Mm I dead now outside of random bgs after the nerf to double tap.

Melee have infinite gap closers so this championship will al be zug zug again or rmd to cc which is also boring.

I miss when blizzard did an amazing job with balance.

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The evoker devas still have bug I really doubt to see them in 2s even the preservation compared to the druid have so much tool then the preservation

Nerf resto druid they already heal to much and have insane healing to

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It’s much worst it’s in 2s format so for what I read this is not in 3s


How do you register ? its not very clear …

Excited to see Venruki :slight_smile:

Holy crap, that songs like 25 years old.

Nice throwback

Blizzard never did an amazing job with balance. Its been a crapshoot since the days of vanilla

I love solo shuffle, can you do a solo shuffle AWC?

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