Arena SoloQ

This is not a request, just a ramble of some sorts

Arena soloQ was such a popular addition to retail that it killed regular arena entirely. It seems to be popular on private servers as well from a few cataclysm streams i’ve seen

Do you think Classic needs such a thing? Anything that encourages players to participate in arena and BGs seems like a win to me

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i enjoy solo-queueing skirms, and have met a lot of good arena partners that way (thanks to the cross-realm change)

i feel like a ranked mode of this would favour autonomous/do-it-all specs (like Preg in wotlk)

Never tried retail so I am curious to know more about this mode. Do people use the in game voice comm? What is the meta like? Does it matchmake bad comps, or does it do decently well creating balanced teams?

I worry that Classic might be dead enough that people could just “game it” and queue with their homies and stomp randos

I’ve never done solo Q arena

From what i’ve seen it’s voiceless arena and it’s a 3v3 format where the players get switched around in each other’s teams. I’m sure it’s not good for creating balanced teams at all

Also common complaint i’ve seen is long que times due to healers not being popular

Despite that, It’s the popular format in retail by far and people seem to really enjoy it. People like the accessibility to just log in and que whenever they want, which honestly sounds exactly like what classic players like

That apparently happens quite a bit actually from further investigation. People purposely throwing games if they que into friends

Nah, part of the fun of arena is learning to play a specific comp, which solo q will end up completely killing. I’d rather they make arena cross faction and make a proper arena LFG before they do soloq.


soloq killed retail qs until they killed soloq

no ty