Arena skirms please

Could we please get skirmishes back? Or let wargames queue with randoms if not in group?

So many good reasons to keep skirms in game.

Real question no sarcasm; are there active people doing wargames in like a discord anywhere or chat channel? /join wargames or something? So boring when partners not on or I have a limited amount of time that day so can’t commit to a sesh with rands. I literally go to Warmane pserver soloq 3s and hop of Cata.


I thought about, but it’s literally easier to find one person to que ranked, even if that tanks your rating to just practice or play with friends, or not real comps…

For sure, skirms would be nice. I was going to look for a private server but haven’t yet.


Yeah I could def find pugs but if I’m busy and can’t commit I’d hop on do few skirms, do my stuff, hop back on queue some more skirms etc. Don’t wanna pug just for like 10 games.

Warmane is good but it’s Wrath so if you don’t like wotlk, no bueno. They have a pvp only server and pve/pvp blizz server so you can choose your preference. Solo q is nice cause its cross realm, no shuffle, and mixes up comps nicely because its random. Still has MMR.

I mean, 100% I’d love to have skirmishes. I literally thought it was a bug that they were disabled in prepatch, and wouldn’t have even committed to learning a new class had I known they were just removed from the game.

+1 for skirms please!

But yeah, I’ve just been playing hunter/mage with a mage who is also learning mage, a blood DK friend who has never played before, or anyone who will queue with me. It’s not good for my rating, which will maybe make it harder to find partners if I do develop some skill, but it’s better than not practicing at all!

idk if wrath would be good for learning hunter, since they changed so much. Maybe though, if the playstyle is more or less the same!


Pretty sure playstyle is pretty similar. Haven’t played hunt in Cata though but playing vs them seems like they have most wotlk cds still. Think they removed some things in Cata but not 100% what.

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give us solo q instead

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Ill take solo q fasho. Shuffle seems meh though. True rand solo q?

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