Arena Season End - Down week Arena Points

Hello hello,

Wondering if anyone can confirm/calrify this - I know Arena Points reset at the start of a new season, but wanting to confirm:
Once the season ends - there’s a down week before the start of the new season, where you still have your leftover points and can spend them on discounted gear?

Kindest regards

“During maintenance on May 30, Arena Point costs for Season 6 gear will be reduced, and rating requirements will be removed for most items, though will still be required for elite weapons. During the offseason, all ranked Arena play will be unavailable. Once Arena Season 7 begins, Arena Points will be converted to Honor.”

We don’t know how long the off season will be. But yes, as stated in the blue post and above, you will have time to spend your arena points.

Thank you kind sir, that blue post has far more information than the one I read.

Appreciate it!

You don’t a not super informed on the pvp But serious question overall do people do it cause i’ve heard nothing but bad.

But I remember doing pvp and it’s a lot of fun I have a really gotten a chance to because I’m more enjoying taking and things kind of got messed up. I’m kind of jumping between wrath and dragonflight but.

Is there a pvp seen in wrath ? Or is it just kind of a niche thing at this point ? Sirius question because i’ve been told both.

Had to read that a couple times, yes - plenty of people do it. Definitely a pvp scene in wrath. As a returning player from 12 years ago, it’s been a blast. PvP is my home.

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For all of TBC the answer was indeed yes.

more people play 2v2 over 1000 rating, than have killed alg25 in the last 2 weeks. Maybe algalon is a hard boss though. Anyway that is a statistic I found the other day that surprised me

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