Arena participation is low; some suggestions to address the problem

PvP weapons were BIS for enh almost every phase except for S4 and yes, wasn’t BIS for everyone but second or third BIS which is a great option for people to play.

It’s ironic, has a R1 person reach out via discord asking if I would like to be boosted to glad. Didn’t even ask for it, just was posting in the xserver to find some 3s.

All of your points are valid and major factors, but boosting is getting pretty crazy.

Another opinion is to have same account (alts) not take up R1/Glad spots. Really silly to see the few spots taken up by the same people.

The bottom part is a retail change which would do wonders for WoTLK. When you’ve got 13 R1 spots and 12 of them will be the same 3 players on 3 alts it gets depressing.

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2200 was challenger last season. Check out the website, they have the information you are looking for

I should have clarified “high challenger” or something to avoid confusing language

My point is that weps/shoulders are now easier to get than ever before in tbc classic. The 2200 weps are more accessible now than the 1850 weps were

They aren’t because nobody plays. The MMR gap is so large between games it can sling shot one way or another very rapidly. Add in WoTLK 2s being cookie cutter games decided on door open it’s hard for the average player to climb. 100% of the people who engage in arena should be able to get 100% of the gear.

WOW is a PVE game with a PVP side game. Arena is the side game to the side game. Most players have very limited gaming time so parts of the game that are not appealing will go away. Pet battles will be even less played.

Honestly… all of this sounds dandy, but i think the most effective solution they could have is to add solo que. The biggest block i find when trying to arena is finding people to play with… and I play the game well enough i could definitely push pretty far if i could actually just play with players of similar skill when i wanted… but pushing aside, the time investment in finding people to play with is my biggest deterrent… regardless of how easily accessible gear is, if this doesnt get solved, arena will die, guaranteed. Im never paying someone gold to play with me. LOL

Yes totally agree with this statement. When they implemented cross server play, LFG needed to be updated to search cross server. Using a third party system to find teammates should not be a thing.

This is the biggest reason to have solo que. The players agsinst solo que always claim that in order to be successful in arena you need to play on a dedicated team. I may have agreed with that in the past. My thought was you would end up with a good partner sometimes and a bad partner other times and everyone would have a 50/50 record over time.

But with the PROOF that good players can carry any bad player and boost them to a glad title, i no longer believe that and can clearly see that in solo que. The good players would still have the best ratings. Yes the bad players will win games when they get qued with these good players but the good players will not lose when qued with bad players. Boosting being done is proof of this.

This I think getting rid of rating requirement for gear would be appropriate, or lowing it to like 1500. Rating = abundantly more arena points granted per week is the benefit of rating and achieves.

Wotlk is mostly decided by what class you play and ofc what spec. The balance gap between team comps is unreal. Obviously a very sweaty 12 hr a day team will beat a team of noobs no matter what but they should still be rewarded for participation and not barred from being able to get gear (which they need more than their opponents do)

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I mean, if you wanna see what is the problem with the participation on pvp, you gotta look back to the comunity.

60% of the pvp comunity would preffer to group at level 80, go to Hillsbrad or barrens, and kill low level.

I literally have a week in classic and already losing interest in continue leveling, just logging off when I die at arriving on a flypath where I gotta quest.

The game has it faults, and it difficulty. The comunity is choosing to shoot it on the foot instead of working together, and I believe even if your suggestion are so good, and great as this ones, till the comunity doesnt change, they would be futile.

Tbh I asked for help on chat, and I was answer that this was the classic experience, or to go back to retail.

Are you playing era? This is about WoTLK. Other then a singular server, there isn’t any world PvP on wotlk

I flew into some grobb alliance having a little “party” in tauren mills yesterday.

Got lucky. they weren’t camping gy so I could stealth out since a rogue. Had stuff to do far away and jsut turned in quests when quieter.

Its there, but its more zergy granted that I have seen.

Some crew, bigpvp iirc, was hittng some cities this weekend too. I was reading that in the channels while in BG.

Whitemane I ahve seen its alliance raid horde tbcc camp on weekends. Weekdays can be slow. They like to say hi on the weekends its seems.

A suggestion, stream more OR if you dont do that, post vids of your PvP gameplay on YouTube. Make it more popular, and then post those vids here, tell your friends to do the same. Many of the world top players only got that way because they had an online presence outside of WoW.

Yes. Grobulus to be exact

I came back got a 1 month sub and finally grinded some Deadly gear which was a miserable experience in BGs getting 1 tapped by Relentless players. Yes even BGs are rough.

Someone asked me to duel in Dal sewers I said nah, my gear sucks. Then they said well want to Que Arena get 10 games in? I haven’t done Arena in a year and am 2 tiers behind. I kindly said nah. I don’t want to waste your time. I don’t have gear to do Arena.

It’s really weird that gear is gated behind Arena and you can’t do Arena without it. This is the biggest problem for players like me that haven’t played in a year. No point in playing till I guess the last phase. Maybe i’ll come back then. Unsubbed again 1 month was enough of this.

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This is the same feeling a lot of people get. The gear from honor is atrocious.

Just start streaming Wrath arenas to get them more attention. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be super good to be a good streamer, you just have to be very entertaining. Give people content they will enjoy watching. Don’t be one of those people who plays the game and wrecks everything in their path on stream, never says a word then logs out. Or if against streaming, just record yourself playing and post some videos of it. The old arenas from 10+ years ago got more traffic all because people kept posting YT vids of them doing them.

This might be the most well thought out and articulated post on the topic of arena PVP that I’ve ever read. All fantastic points and I agree with every solution you mentioned.

I also think adding a minimum amount of honor per arena match (or win) would be a benefit. It would encourage people that are gearing to do so through arena queues rather than just BG farming after getting their 10 games in. Also it feels kind of bad waiting until the weekly reset to get any kind of reward for games (other than the fun of course!).

no one wants to watch some cringe twitch stream with people friends with x mlg players that are the ones destroying the ladder with RMT, hacking, scripting.

Those are the demographics that are the problem, can’t name and shame on the forum but any regular arena player knows what I’m talking about.

Those are the people that are advertising RMT on stream and nothing happens to them, they are the ones selling glad for $2500 irl dollars.

People actually stopped watching cringe arena streams on classic because they found out what they do and how they are the main problem.


Highly disagree with this. The only streamers i can tolerate are the ones who keep their mouth shut and their cam off. Its so cringe when they show their face (who cares what he looks like) and worse when they keep talking the whole time. This is why i uses to watch that Uzbeki guy from Russia - chill arena streams with no talking or cringe camera BS.

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