Arena participation is low; some suggestions to address the problem

Most of the wow rank1 streamers still live with their parents.
They have to boost in order to afford food.

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But which wrath comps are fun to watch? Double/triple rogue is kind of funny, that’s all I can think of

Seeing how far prot warrior can get. Or watching people trying to push full top MMR with PvE gear.

Cuz bad?

This game is 0% luck 100% skill so just improve yourselves with concentrated power of will

I think all in all this is a really strong take. As a fellow (on and off life long player) with 2.5xp I can 100% say I have had friends from the retail game bash classic before even giving it a try due to the pvp gearing aspect. I am not saying it needs to be like retail at all. In fact I don’t think I would like that. However, a fresh take on what classic pvp gearing COULD BE might not hurt. All in all well said I think. see you in the arena!

Excellent post. Needed to be said.

My team and I played Afflic/Spriest/Rshaman throughout TBC. It was a struggle, but we made it work. I had a lot of fun and so did they. Wrath comes out and we queue more Shadowplay, but the meta felt 10x worse now. It became super clear, very early, that this was a very Hpal centered PvP expansion. Hpal/Ele/X and Hpal/Arms/X were about 90% of the matches were playing. It was grueling. Comp diversity seemed to get absolutely chucked out the window.

Wrath has the rather unique combination of being extremely meta-focused while also suffering from profound participation issues. This means that you’re fighting extremely good, impeccably geared teams even at 2k rating, and you’re also fighting the same 2-3 very oppressive comps over and over again.

What pushed us away from Wrath arenas was actually none of the things you listed (honor gear too far behind, rating requirements etc). We were always at the top of the gear curve. What killed Wrath arena for us is that there was absolutely no base to the MMR pyramid at all, and it was WAY sweatier and more FOTM than either TBC, or actual Wrath of the Lich King.

Last season saw about a 45% total drop off in players, probably the largest participation drop off in the games history.

We’re seeing a 30% drop from that this season.

It’s obvious that they aren’t going to change barrier to entry at this point, so please at least do something with the title cutoffs. The few spots that are available for titles are now being taken up OCE style by a small clique of incredibly talented players on their 6 alts.

The retail change where alts all count at one character would do wonders here, or possibly just changing to a “top 300 gets glad” type system to mimic the more spots from S5.

Just some thoughts, there aren’t many players left at this point so I doubt it’s even worth the dev time anymore

I think the rating requirements should be removed so players can acquire the current season gear by investing some time in the arena, regardless of skill level. I know others have suggested this and it seems like the bare minimum easiest thing for them to change.

It’s crazy to me some of the changes they’ve made to pve allowing casual players to acquire some of the best items in the game just by grinding heroic + for a few days without even stepping into a raid. Even without rating requirements on pvp gear it would probably take the average player 10+ weeks to get all the current season gear.

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