Arena participation is low; some suggestions to address the problem

The OCE ladder was completely dead. They couldn’t play the game outside of specific times and only faced the same small handful of people. I understand the latency blows, but it’s the best solution available.

You guys just don’t have the population unfortunately. It is what it is.

funny thing is that the classic team has enough resources to revamp Classic era’s pvp system that no one wanted, while leaving wotlk pvp as a gigantic dumpster fire

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How about removing all stats off gear so it will only be a fight to see who is better.

The game isn’t balanced around that. It would make more sense to simply give everyone a set of gear when they zone into arena, but they people would complain that they can’t customize it.

This is the biggest one for me, you can already buy furious pieces with badges from PvE but I’d rather not have to do a bunch of raids just to buy PvP gear so I don’t waste my arena points.

I actually had to buy a furious weapon for my alt last week because I went 4 weeks without a weapon drop and the 213 was holding me back too much. Could have bought a relentless chest instead.


how about copies of PVE items, that will only work in instanced PVP. It sucks going 15+ lockouts not seeing a pve item drop that you are trying to get just for arena. They could be sold for arena points or honour. They could even have “0 ilvl” to stop people trying to spoof into pve pubs with them

I know this sounds farfetched and is basically against the spirit of old school wow, but blizz has made a million changes including Alg10 loot from a dungeon currency now, so why not

This post dedicated to all my arena buds who quit the game after being forced to run ULD too many times


This is not why it was added, and the retail PvP population is significantly larger than the Wrath one. Just in general any SoloQ requires a larger population to function properly than a premade system.

Your OP is on-point though. Rating requirements need to be removed and gear acquisition needs to be significantly quicker.


Oher games bait pvp by making it real easy to get into.

the gear is there. On the market.

In my eve fleets I fly the same frigate, destroyer, cruiser setup as a 13 year veteran as the noob who started 9 months ago. We all shop at the same trade hub(s) lol.

Meat grinder ops I don’t bring my 1 billion isk rides. Meat grinders all die at some point. Making the death cheaper is the goal. You jsut want a nice kill streak before that happens is all.

How do show I am better than them some may ask.

answer: by being better than them in actual play. Or die trying. Someone has to lose, sometimes its you.


Yup. Making the gear as accessible as possible is the #1 thing to increase player engagement. It’s why F2P games are popular. You can just jump in with little investment and decide if you enjoy it or not.

Those who do it for the pride and sense of accomplishment get to show off their titles when the season ends. It’s the reward everyone goes for in the end; titles. Cosmetics are the best reward.

And yeah, the fact you can just get furious from badges adds even more salt to the wound for those forced to buy it with arena points. The reward system really needs to be addressed sooner rather then later. If we have to wait until S8 to see changes I might cry. There won’t be many of my friends left by that point.


I couldnt disagree more. The future of wow arena, if there is going to be one, is solo que. Imagine any game other than wow using the same gateway to entry. It is not any less social than any other game. Forming a team, then waiting for the time when u r all on AND all in the mood to arena is a social experience for sure. Its a social experience that is not fun and not needed.

Arena is a side game. It is not what the wow world is about. Its not part of the questing and raiding and overall story of the mmo experience. It needs to be treated accordingly. Ask any new player if they would rathet join a call of duty, fortnight, counterstrike, or league of legends and get in the lobby, que and play. Why are they all enjoying those very popular games. Having a ton of fun.

The truth is, anyone that uses the “its antisocial” excuse, is not considering what is required. I am sure most of those already have teams and want to maintain thier domonance.

Doesnt matter to me. Im done with wow aftet wrath. They ignored the begging for solo que for 20 years. Let them continue. Let it die. Doesnt matter to me anymore.

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Pvp sucks, nobody likes it yet everyone gate keeps everything associated with it. Hmm I wonder why this bs toxic mess is so undesired… :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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The game was founded with teamwork in mind, not solo que. In Arena they have already introduced the significant change of a personal rating based system as opposed to the team-based system (Introduced originally in a later expansion). If you really want solo queue that bad, you can freely queue with anyone you want - just ask around in trade chat or list yourself on LFG.

Treating a major component of the game as a “side game” is the exact mindset that this post was created to combat. Arena is a massive part of the success of World of Warcraft - it championed the rise of many other E-Sports formats. People such as myself and OP want to see this game succeed and continue to grow - as well as be inclusive to new players who want to try something new.

Finally, if it doesn’t matter to you then don’t comment on a post raising some very valid concerns and some well-thought suggestions. Go play one of the other “solo queue” style games you long for.


As decent as your proposed changes are, I wouldn’t queue anymore wotlk arena. It’s already been a year of one patch and another halfway to go. Nah, pass. 2v2v2v2 has got me now, but who knows how long that’ll last. Things just aren’t as interesting anymore past a point, as with all things. Yes, even that.

That was only top end arena, i could bg all day and enjoy it, now i don’t touch pvp at all.
We did have the population it just dwindled due to stupid shi* like rating requirements.


Yup, ratings requirements have been taking their toll on the population for nearly a year now. It’s a very sad state of affairs

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You can type anything you want but it wont changw the fact that wow is an mmorpg. It is about creating an entire world with lore, leveling a character and facing world related challenges. The entire wotlk expansion is designed about and around arthas or the lich king. That is fact. Debate all you want but it wont change that. Arena is nothing more than a side feature. Deal with it.

You can always tell the players that are on a team and are getting carried. They dont want anyone else to have access and are against anything that would threaten thier situation of being carried. Solo que has proven that good players still are the best. Another reason the players being carried are against it. The players that are good at arena, welcome more access to everyone and want the arena side game to become more, to more and are not afraid at looking at what other games do to be successful.

If all you are after is a social experience, go join a dating site. Chose accordingly thougjh, or you might end up socializing with the opposite sex. Make sure you chose the correct site to satisfy the social needs that u r currently getting from wow arena.

If all you are after is a social experience, go join a dating site. Chose accordingly thougjh, or you might end up socializing with the opposite sex. Make sure you chose the correct site to satisfy the social needs that u r currently getting from wow arena.

Are you okay mate? This is a positive discussion regarding the health of arena, not your strange projection of lacking sexual and social desires. Go touch grass.


You’re literally trolling if you’re coming into a post about making arena (a game mode that for some of us, is the only reason we have active subs) better, and trying to downplay other people’s enjoyment of it.

Nobody who has ever played arena in any serious capacity thinks you can just pug an arena team. Your comment demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of what makes an arena team good or bad (the teamwork). Gear and individual skill will only get you so far. Good teamwork is literally the difference between being 2500+ and being forever 1600.

Do you have Asperger’s? Like, no offence meant, serious question.


No. Infact there was just another thread about how arena is being ruined because poor players are getting boosted to glad. So stop with the nonsense that teams are all important. They clearly are not. Solo shuffle in retail has also been proven very successful. The only issue needing to be resolved is lack of healers so dont try this nonsemse that solo is bad for arena.

Ans lastly. You dont own arena. Period. You dont speak for it, you dont represent it, nothing. You are one of the wannabes that wants to self promote while doing everything you can to keep arena seperate from the majority. If you dont want to e courage arena for ALL and have an open disussion about realistic options, even those that you dont like, then stf. Fu about it.

I literally do not care.

I only came back to play arena with my idiot friend who roped me into coming back to this awful game. I could not care less about titles in a 15+ year old game, that chapter of my life ended in 2013, but I do care about my friend. He still sees something in this game even after the rest of us have moved on. It makes him happy, and I stick around despite the fact that I’ve long since stopped enjoying WoW to make him happy.

He made this post because he genuinely cares about the health of the game and other people’s ability to continue enjoying it, mine included.

Then go play retail.

I never claimed to ‘own’ arena, and this applies to you as much as it applies to anyone else.

Bold words coming from a guy too scared to post on his main.

That is literally the purpose of this thread, I find your lack of reading comprehension skills worrisome.

Go cry to your therapist about it. Nobody cares about you or your weird fringe opinions. Also, you talk like a creep, I bet people avoid you in real life.