Arena macro help

Hello, I’m having some issues with my cc macro in arena and I’m not sure why. I was hoping someone could take a look and let me know what I’m doing wrong.

These are copied directly from my macros so it’s exactly as it is in game. The interesting part is that this one works perfectly fine, exactly like I expect it to:

/cast [nomod, @arena1] Hammer of Justice; [mod:alt, @arena2] Hammer of Justice; [mod:shift, @arena3] Hammer of Justice

But this one, which as far as I can tell is exactly the same, will not trigger when using Shift.

/cast [nomod, @arena1] Cyclone; [mod:alt, @arena2] Cyclone; [mod:shift, @arena3] Cyclone

Any help would be appreciated, what am I doing wrong here?

Keybinds take priority over macro modifiers. By default SHIFT 1-6 are bound to Action Page 1-6. You’ll need to unbind any conflicts to use them as macro modifiers.

As for the macro itself, this is the optimized version:

/cast [mod:shift,@arena3] [mod:alt,@arena2] [@arena1] Cyclone
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Checked for conflicts, Shift + C (the key I had it set to) was set to Item Comparison Cycling on the druid, but not on the paladin for some reason. Thank you so much!