Arena is SAVED!

If a person really wanted to RP THAT much, they could just drop form themselves, not screw the rest of us and force us to spend 550 mana and clear our rage (Energy not as big due to power shifting but still sucks) to get it.

Imagine if melee classes had to explicitly sheath/unsheath their weapons/shields to use them and NPCā€™s would refuse to talk to you if you had them out be you were threatening or some garbage. Or use items, I mean after all how are you supposed to drink a potion when your hands are full of weapons.

But for some reason itā€™s fine that druids get screwed.

In vanilla on my warrior I had something like 80k HKā€™s. I may have done the double warrior charge swap twice. (It may have only been once). In classic it happens almost every single time 2 warriors face each other at charge range.

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This will be very interesting to see how the TBC arena meta evolves out of this. Itā€™s possible certain top dog classes in arena (rogue, druid) may not be top dog anymore, weā€™ll see.

For right now, as a hunter I am ecstatic as this change is very good for us in pvp situations.


I suspect that Frost mage + Ret may actually be good, and Frost, Ret Disc for 3ā€™s. If that works, the meta could shift a bit. Also I expect more god comp this time, but its hard to say until we get there and see what people are playing.

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Rip the only thing that makes enhance shaman viable.


WF storage ;_;7

wait, wut?

You can use batching to store windfury with the not so secret stormstrike macro.
It also works to a lesser extent with the spell cast macro /stopcast macro

You can also do some fun things like attacking with both rockbiter and windfury active at the same time.

Palladins have a lot of similar tricks

Oh, he thinks these changes arenā€™t for TBC, which is to be rolled out on all Classic servers this spring. Interesting; wrong, but interesting.

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And beyond! The number of times I was burst from 50%+ to 0 through Dispersion (donā€™t forget, it was 90% DR back then) is enormous.


More like canā€™t. I have to keep my hearth off CD at all times to bait pummels, kicks, earth shocks cause I canā€™t fake case bait due to the batching.

But, I will definitely miss being able to dispell my own fear/poly. That was pretty great.

Yeah I think this PTR is basically the start for TBC Beta being announced next month.

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good luck getting a songflower lol

Thatā€™s what I thought too, but Iā€™ve been informed that some of the best and sweatiest speed runners have tested it and group songflower pickups are unchanged. Weā€™ll see how it turns out when itā€™s live, I guess.

Next on the chopping block ā€¦ melee leeway. Down with backpeddling. Make strafing great again.


Iā€™m old, clicking in sub 10ms intervals is hard!

Its a great change, as a Shaman you will be able to Earth Shock Mageā€™s mid cast offensive spells/sheep

Such a good decision. The majority of people who begged for batching had private servers in mind. Batching was never a design choice, but a technical limitation. It should have been tuned down earlier, but people STILL refuse to believe the batch window was 400 ms in vanilla despite all the evidence that it was.

Applying #nochanges logic to an outdated technical limitation that made the game worse should never happen. And this isnā€™t like debuff limits where raids were tuned with them in mind. Most of the quirks with it (gouging a blink) were very rng and luck dependent. Losing that is a small price to pay for all the downsides. Abilities not working and losing a cooldown, even though you cast it in time (lay on hands the biggest example). Fd/trap failing a lot. Scatter breaking from my pet hitting someone BEFORR i scatter them. Interrupting a cast before it goes off and still being hit. Stopping a cast before a counterspell and still getting counterspelled.

Those are just few examples. Every class has their own gripes. The tradeoff isnā€™t worth a few people being happy that they can abuse a handful of abilities like vanish to avoid getting hit by a spell.

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