Arena Healers-How do you keybind?

I am trying to get into arena healing and wondering what is the best way to keybind spells.

i like using party 1 and party 2 on mouse wheel up and down. and use self cast modifer for myself.

i click frames and have focus keybinds for enemy cc/kicks etc

I bind team members to scroll up and scroll down; I put my melee partner on scroll down always and my caster memeber on scroll up. I do something similar with my side mouse buttons for dispel and power word shield.

You want to put off global buttons and buttons that have aimed shot mechanics (eg mass dispel or power word:barrier) on keys u can press while strafing. Mobility keys that make your character move faster (eg feather or sprint) should also be on binds u can press while strafing.

Heal bit add-on

As someone who mains rsham and has played it to 2700+, and played every healer in the game to around 2200-2500 level, this is the best advice i can give you:

-First and most important, BIND YOUR PARTY TARGETTING, don’t click please it makes you lose a lot of time, and you should be using your mouse+strafe to move in order to have good and easier positioning so clicking to target makes you only move with the keys which is really really bad. F1 F2 F3 are good keybinds, scroll up and down and a different one for yourself is also really good, I know Cdew has A for party1, S por party 2 and D for self because he moves with W Q E, but again it’s personal pref. Reason why I tell you this is because once you’re used to targeting with your mouse by clicking, it’ll be SO HARD to get used to target with keybinds, which is a must to play healer at a high rating.

-Have party macros too so you don’t have to swap target every time you need to dispel, if you’re healing a party1 and party2 gets poly’d for example, you should have a party2 dispel macro so you can dispel without having to swap to party2, dispel and then swap back to party1 to continue healing, makes your life much easier. (Don’t forget a dispel macro for yourself too, so you can dispel yourself without having to swap from the teammate you’re healing, you should have 3 dispel macros.)

-For rsham have kick arena 1 2 3 as well as hex. For everything else its really good too but u can get away with using focus macros. Just have a way to cc enemies fast without having to switch main target at all.

-Not bad to have binds to target arena123 as well as focus arena123, will save you a lot of time.

-Bind R T Y F G H Z X C V B N, those are pretty close to your wasd keys and easy to reach, and bind modifiers for them with shift and ctrl, for example shift-R, ctrl-T etc, aswell as for 1 2 3 4 5 6 and it’s modifiers (i go up to 6 because i feel like 7 is too far away but depends on how big your hands are, i know Whaazz has focus cheap shot bind to ctrl-U but thats a special case lmao)

Another tip that’s not related to binding, download bigdebuffs and omnibar addons, those 2 are the only must have addons for a healer, there are many more but not 100% necessary. BigDebuffs shows dispellable stuff bigger on party frames so its easier to see what to dispel, as well as enemy cd’s or cc on their nameplates, easier to see too. Omnibar shows you enemy interrupts so you can see when u can free cast, but you can also add any enemy cd, i have 3 omnibar bars set up, one for kicks, the other for cc’s and another for offensive cd’s.

GL and have fun!


important heal abilities on easiest to press buttons (nothing like bubble cause fat fingering that is painful) make sure trinket is easy to press so you can react fast enough.

targetting macro’s are also useful but I’ve not dabbled in it but if you learn to use them efficiently you’ll do good with it.

I personally have focus cast key set to shift and have abilities like hoj, incap ect on a button with no shift modifer for it (for example E but don’t have shift E keybinded)

So currently I mouseover/click spells cause I’m still figuring out what is comfortable for me.

With the party targeting, say scroll up is for partner 1 and scroll down is partner 2… If I need to heal partner 1, I would scroll up then hit 1 for heal so I would not have to mouseover their frame?