Arena has obvious cheaters/hackers already

do people honestly expect others to believe R1 players are hard-stuck 1600, there is no reason why they wouldn’t be in the 2200 MMR by now

But I saw an unchained gladiator mount

Completely outclassed

Probably not “hackers”.
Most likely just broken.

I’m a filthy wizard player, but I have not seen 10m hits.

Highest ive gotten was like 1.2m-1.3m ice lance which is still not ok.

so like where proof

Season just reset everybody to basically zero. :dracthyr_shrug:

It’s very likely to queue into somebody that’s top of the ladder at “1600” now.

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This forum isn’t familiar with the definition of the word average. But in this case he’s probably not wrong if you’re playing something meta and have two relatively competent people.

I refuse to believe you’re serious. That’s something special.

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