Arena Forums Grudge Matches

this was already covered under dozer vs covlol


I am not Dozer though?

Does not take much effort to figure that out.

if you counterfeit a cashmere gucci scarf so perfectly that even the holder of the brand name was startled, did you create a copy or a unique piece?

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Well, depends on your definition of “unique” I guess.

Every piece would technically be unique. So yes, I would have created a unique piece in that scenario.

Not sure what you are inferring here? Do you mind elaborating?

but how can it be a unique piece if it’s a copy of something already made?

and so on, and so forth, but you and your alts are the reasons people just want to straight ban sub level 60 posters anyways.

not seeing what it would really solve, but hopefully your parents will pay less for a boost to 60 than 2200

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Why would I buy a 2200 boost? I am a multi-gladiator - gladiator of more seasons than not!

I do not need carried? Not sure why you would insist that, and what evidence do you have that I am this “Dozer” person or that I was “carried”?

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Is this recorded somewhere?

Idk it was legion and if I remember correctly on the dalaran sewers map by the boxes. Been a while though.

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Me: they’re talking to amoranis

Me: oh

Listen Christie, the arena foruns are very progressive. You can’t assume anyone’s gender.

Also why are you posting here? You don’t appear to play in s2, except on Gracie.


That’s actually some 5 head stuff. I love it

ay big facts dawg even our trolls better come outchea politically correct - dozer/amoranis learned that one tho the time he called brazilians ‘jajas’ though right?

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Stay mad. Id never play a hunter anymore I only play melee classes (:

Pretty sure he’s done some other more over things too but I’m not going to repeat them.

Unlike Dozer, my Daddy doesn’t work at blizzard, so I get banned if I RMT or post anything off color.

I’m not mad. I find you oddly entertaining.

like the charming greeter at walmart that’s disabled

not to be too mean to the walmart greeters


Stay maddddd :yawning_face:

I think the greeter has better cr on a ww though

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they got to work alive and on time, even dressed, they probably can play windwalker monk

on the risk of cutiepie smiting me down for badmouthing his treasured children, this reminds me of a guy who wore two left boots in the army and complained his feet hurt all day


Dk easy stay mad :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Having been in the Army I 100% believe this happened.