Arena Coaching

Eftpos or cash?

Hop in the discord, post your vod in the vod review channel or the spec channel and I can just about promise someone will watch and give tips. The reason I can’t guarantee it is because I don’t know all the people.

Here you go btw.

Very kind of you.

I’ll have to record some SS’s or blitz’s/2’s and 3’s and get back to you. Streaming through discord lags my potato of a PC.

Mic no problem there.

This is what scares me off the most. I can play an amazing match one round, then the next match im complete and utter dog sh!t, and it comes from not understanding how to play against certain comps. I’m a pretty easy going person, so no nerd raging here.

I’m a survival hunter if that helps. ilvl 639. 1800 player at best. would like to reach some day 2k.

If you were to offer to help coach me I am unable to be around for the next couple days because it being the holidays, but after that im golden. I just have to record some vids for yall so you can see me in action. Also, i copied off of bicmex’s char thoroughly besides 1 or two things and that was just to switch out some vers for some extra haste through gems.

Will be in touch soon. I appreciate you doing this! Btw that was me (Reignskream) who added you to bnet)

Check PVP:

This is what scares me off the most. I can play an amazing match one round, then the next match im complete and utter dog sh!t, and it comes from not understanding how to play against certain comps. I’m a pretty easy going person, so no nerd raging here

I can promise you they wont act like that. I can promise it because they’ve sat thru multiple vods of my SS rounds and haven’t flamed me. They’ve been nothing but supportive and given fair criticism of what I’m doing badly/wrong and how to get better. So, ggs and don’t brake anything.


I mean stuff happens.

I had a lobby yesterday with Petkick, Bigdam & Dipi. The lobby realistically should’ve only been a 2-4 with me winning only as boomy/outlaw, but lost both games with the rogue who averaged 250k DPS (god knows how). Won both with an enhance (god knows how), and lost both with petkick because he decided that saving his kick for next year was a good choice. I get flamed by pk because I can’t kite a hook shot exploiting rogue who stuns off DR.

Some lobbies you just simply won’t play well or aren’t going to win. It happens.


You are really lost & that whole lobby was roasting you bud

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i bet you feel real proud of yourself. roasting somebody over world of warcraft.


Didn’t realize this was the “cool kids” section.

If i showed you dms he was the one coming at me and then put me on ignore and proceeded to msg me :skull:

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I don’t think you’re aware of who you’re defending.

I may not be aware, but this person offered to help me up my game in pvp and im not about to ruin that. my nubby nosed nub self can use all the help it can get.

Wouldn’t take any advice from him ngl

I genuinely don’t care about losing a lobby in shuffle my guy.

I despise that I’d be forced to play hex dispel vs a cleave because you actively choose to not press kick. If it was ele or resto? Sure. Me having to play it because you held kick for another 8 days is CRAZY.

I also actively despise someone who’d grip an enhance 5 yards 5x instead of gripping the healer in for me to guarentee CC.

11 years playing against you and 2 losses vs you in a real bracket, total in that time outside of one random loss in a crimson shuffle.

I don’t care about a bracket I don’t q about, I care about you actively griefing and trying to trash talk me in DMs lil bro LMAO

If I have to take one 2-4 lobby with you in it to 4-2 or 5-1 my next 5 lobbies (like I did), I’ll gladly keep you on your 13th DK not moving because you want to sit there and act like an ego freak that can’t win. If you want an ego fight, I’ll gladly start plyaing my WW again to dog on you like I did all of Legion.

Kbye :slight_smile:

You cared enough to type, you don’t beat anyone hence why ur hard stuck 2300

You really have no idea what was going on that lobby idk what you are on about

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how is dorko getting flamed by you in this random forum post? you’re full of venom in half your posts while attempting to virtue signal in the other half – choose one and stop embarrassing yourself. there’s a reason you went 1/5 in that lobby, and there’s a reason you’re typing about it days later to random people. you can fill in the blanks

The man is actually trying to help players and you got people flaming. Unreal.


Well 2/4 not 1/5 but sure man.

I’m equally as toxic to people like petkick as I am nice to the people who I actually try to help.

I’ll take the lobby loss, idc, it’s whatever. But actively griefing and trying to spin the narrative to make himself feel better because he’s called out for playing poorly is wild. I’m not going to say I played that lobby well either, from a various things like not juking kicks and not pre bearing stuns, but sitting here and acting like anything I say is even half as bad as PK DMs people is pretty hysterical brother. I played a lot of my games bad last night, and still went 4-2 or 5-1 in a majority of them, hell I even made up to Dorito because I realized I’ve been a bit of a POS to him lately when he didn’t deserve it and we had a fun lobby imo.

Anyways, done posting. I used the lobby as an example that some lobbies aren’t going to be played well or are simply losing lobbies. Stuff happens, people learn from them. I learned that I have to expect PK to play bad in lobbies because he wants to ego them instead of just enabling the one wincon in an already bad matchup.

Trust me you don’t want his help.

I call people bad thats literally it come on bruh do better

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He’s tiers above me. Why wouldn’t I if I ever decided to ask anyone for help?