Arena Coaching

Hey guys, I, and a few other r1s, are offering free PVP coaching for all bracket (2s, 3s, BGB, and shuffle) to anyone interested in it.

There are a few requirements, atleast on my end, for people to get it:

  1. VODs of games to review, alternatively we can do live coaching if you can stream over Discord or something
  2. Need to have a mic, as discussions are essential to teaching
  3. No toxicity. We aren’t/won’t be toxic or flame you in any way, and the reverse is expected.

This is entirely out of our own interest, as PVP is in an extreme drought right now, and we’re hoping to get some more people interested in it, but also help make the ladder more competitive. There is NO cost to this.

I will be prioritizing Boomies & ferals, but can offer other specs on request/interest. We can also give general advice to other classes that we do not play if asked, as fundamentals can be transferred. Not everyone is always available, so please respect their time on questions.

You can reach me at my btag, Visions#11529 or contact me/others in the arena forums discord > ‘’. Notable players in this discord to ask questions to are;

Canadian Beaver (myself) - WW, Boomy, Feral, Havoc
Joegrall - Multiclasser
Remi - Enhance
Bramot - Ret
Setback - Mage, Hunter
Dominicstomp - Multiglad Disc/Hpri
Baabaaqanush - Multi r1 rsham, multiclasser healer (reach out to me to connect you guys)

If you have any questions feel free to hit myself or others up and we’ll be happy to help!

Edit: Added new names


+1 this giga chad carried me to 10th place in awc on 48 hours notice with no practice




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Bro I saw something like this in lfg. Looked like a boost group.

I can’t even post in LFG.

This is no cost, purely for people to learn fundamentals, and help with their spec/class.

There isn’t a lot of information out there for these types of things, people will just post things like “This build is OP” and only explain that build, but never go in depth on how they think in PVP, which is a skill you can’t easily learn.

The whole goal is to create more interest in PVP and make the ladder more competitive while creating the good information for people to look back on if they forget.


Honestly would love to get roasted on my feral gameplay.

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What an awesome thing to offer! Thanks for doing this guys.


So where do I swipe? Everyone trynna make a buck before the holidays it seems.

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Please be positive, constructive and on topic.


If they want interest in pvp, they can post it on the GD and bring fresh blood.

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Our white knight has arrived.

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Over the stuff you, Biebz, Christel, and Dabdaddy post?


:dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:
this was way cringier IMHO ig /shrug

Nice of you to do this for the community! I might have to take you up on some feral teachings :thinking:

They are self promoting, they ain’t doing out of the goodness of their hearts. Wouldn’t surprise me if they DO end up selling carries on the side.


swoles the dude to ask


Shame there aren’t any hpal coaches in that list, I’d take you up on it for reals.

Between remi’s cheeks?

Knowing proper positioning and when to push in is teachable by dps that are in higher levels, still be good to hit them up for advice as they know what healers are thinking in their games

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You don’t need to add this btw