Arena Coaching

Nah, dude. I’m a Psychologist for a living and I raid as my main form of content, pvp is just a side hobby - you’d make less boosting than working full time at mcdonalds.

Not sure if you’re trolling or not, but I don’t do boosts. That being said, I will happily offer any support/vod reviews to anyone who posts and asks for help on the forums!


can you review my vods im trying to get “above average” 2400+ ratings

Yeah, post one. This is the second time you asked and I told you that I would!

Oh that’s very naughty of u trying to use ur mind bending skills to gaslight the forums like that. How unethical.

I dont think u do, but I would not be surprised if you knew a few people in game who do it.

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Everyone who has ever gotten a gladiator in the past 2 years knows who the main boosters are. Most have quit after repeated ban waves, but there are still a couple who play.

It’s kind of impossible to NOT queue into them around 24-2500 mmr.

I believe you’re confusing a psychologist for a psychic, which would be rad if I had that power, but unfortunately I just have approximate knowledge of many things instead of cool abilities.

On the contrary, I think it would be more unethical to try and gatekeep knowledge or experience, especially in a game mode where that knowledge directly impacts peoples’ ability to compete with one another.

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Gna have to upvote this one more time for shills thinking people are making 100k/yr selling boosts or “coaching”

The sad reality is that this is a very small group of an even smaller group and probably only enough to keep supplementing their own habits or vices.

The real people that are holding down are not the sellers but groups of people who literally sit 20 hours a day in cord, have an insane arsenal of alts and win trade to R1 spots with each other and the reality is you’re not even playing against this bunch either or if they affect you it’s only
For a few games or a lobby.

Nah, some of them definitely do make a 100k a year, but they are working 15 hour days.

Show me the receipts, lil bro. Nvm it’s 2025, you’re guilty until proven innocent and even then you’re still guilty because you rigged/payed your way out.

Is the advice going to be download 13 add ons and create 27 macros and move to America so you get good latency?

I don’t use addons so no, I highly doubt any of us are gonna plug that garbage.

Here is a small sample, nothing of that sort in this and nothing of that sort in the rest of the help, it just seems that there are personal vendettas against people around here, it’s pretty ridiculous:

Round 1:
Against rogues I would try to combat tag ASAP. Not letting them get sap off helps with opnerrs, but also keeps them from getting Blackjack on you. Vs assa rogues you don’t want to be near your team as much as possible, opens you up to getting bleeds and subsequently rotted, but also gives them free aoe garrotes. When rogue runs at you at 1:21, I’d instantly sac here. Even if he doesn’t blind, this is an indication he’s trying to CC and that sac can save an entire go. Trinketing blind is fine, but I also don’t think it’s necessary atm. Bubbling a half fear however, is pretty sketchy. Opens you up to being vulnerable now, especially with no trinket. This round is honestly ust lost because your DPS are scared for some reason, but you should also kite with your DPS rather than be out in the open. Big thing with healing is that you kite away from the enemy rather than near them. HOJ should also be used for cross CC if you can’t easily get a rep. Horse in to throw it on MW and back off type thing.

Round 2:
Push into the healer for cross CC again, especially when your DK is running in there. Frost wants to get a go going ASAP, so being able to enable them to force CDs/kills with cross CC helps them. Also lets you stabilize. Use the pillar though, because letting them get free CC on you is rough for your team.

See, no public shaming, no judgement(out loud), no git gud, none of the bs a lot of people think they’re going to get. Just honest feedback to a 3 week old PvP’er who wants to get better.

I don’t know the motivation behind this but I also don’t care because they are helping. Imagine someone who wants help, goes and watches my video(and like me is new and bad and doesn’t know what he doesn’t know) and then reads the help post and actually uses it to get better. Now you have two people to farm.

Honestly, a bunch of folks could stand to do a little self reflection around these parts if they truly gave a crap about the game.


That’s the problem, they simply don’t have the ability to

Idk, I play with 2 macros (focus clone and beam), 5 addons (gladius, omnibar, diminish, omnicd, and bigdebuffs). These things SHOULD be baseline in the game, but that’s a separate conversation.

Definitely would NOT recommend this (or Comcast).


Just a bunch of miserable human beings in here, sad


As a wise man once said,

git gud.

But for real, people need to learn that I, just like anyone, can be toxic af, but some of us actually have an interest in helping. I have a passion for teaching & coaching, and have translated that into the game over 9 years now.

And now I’m offering to do it for absolutely free so long as people are willing to actually ask for the help. And it seems that I sparked a bunch of people to actually help me do this, but also a lot of people are actually willing to ask for help now that there’s a feasible option that isn’t locked behind a paywall.



Sounds legit and trustworthy.

Definitely personally preference here, any spammable cc ability like clone, fear, sheep, MC I’ll use the arena1-3, everything else is focus binds. However I think have less binds is definitely a better idea when you’re streamlining gameplay


That’s roughly my set up, but I have far more macros than that. I usually have a 1-3 for Kicks / Spammable CC / Lasso etc. Even Purges, but a lot of it I think came from time frame when I started. WoD was kinda different and it helped me keep track of the cooldowns on abilities better.

I could probably drop to just focus targets for it, and binding the focus key to something, but idk if I could do it w/Shear 123. Too op (for me)

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I only use Bigdebuffs Gladius ATT (which I forget to turn on constantly)and I just recently got tmw

I’m not a standard to set by any means but I usually can knock out what I want to do in wow

The space ship UI weak aura meta is a little exaggerated. You don’t really need an air raid siren to go off when the mage pops combustion his character model catches on fire and you start taking a lot of damage

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Are those not addons?