Arena 1, 2, 3 macros

I’ve never really made any real attempt at a rating push in any bracket, but since I’m considering it, is the transition from using mouseover and focus for your interrupt, stun, and other crowd control to that of arena 1, 2, and 3 really make that huge of a difference? I’m sure I’m not the fastest at mousing over the right target, but it seems there’s much more consistency to likely be had once I learn the proper keybinds for each skill.

With this being said, and having likely answered my own question, my only complaint is that I am seriously at a loss for keybinds. I have a Corsair MMO mouse that I’ve never really used the extra buttons to, and I am absolutely never going to use control keys for my binds. Way too awkward to get used to after 14-15 years of using strictly shift and alt as modifiers. It seems I may need to bite the bullet and get used to the mouse, because having 12 macros for 4 different skills (interrupt, stun, dispel, imprison) along with 30+ other necessary skills, items, and so on is leaving me confused as to what I am to do.

Plz halp.

Inb4 git gud kid.

/cast [@arena 1] consume magic

I have all my macros setup accordingly. I’m just pressed for finding suitable keybinds that aren’t already tied to something else. Not to mention, I’m going to have a serious adjustment period to these new keybinds, and that’s assuming I can find suitable replacements for other skills that I’m stripping keybinds from.

Ctrl + a button
Shift + a button
Alt + a button
qertzxcvfgbb 123456

There is 100 binds right there

I use shift and the first row of 3 vertical buttons on the naga/Corsair mouse as my arena 1,2,3 clone…it’s easy to get the hang of since it coincides with the 3 enemy vertical targets on sarena or gladius