Area 52, the queue

it would be really cool to have a blue answer on why we are stuck with never ending queue, just to know the reason why and if there’s anything planned on helping the thousand of players, who are paying costumers, unable to play

As one player commented earlier, 170-minute queue and not one blue post about it! I must believe he/she was referring to Blizzards failure to acknowledge and notify customers on Twitter, of an obvious ongoing problem with logging into their gaming servers. I am certain that other players will agree. When any video game developer fails to repair the logjam that impedes customers of accessing an online game, in this instance, World of Warcraft – Shadowlands and in-game services within a reasonable timeframe is problematic. It is likened to having a shop, reporting to be open, and not acknowledging that some customers are not able to gain access due to an obvious, commonly experienced irregularity. Wait, is CoV-19 online now?!? Further, if the video game developer fails to acknowledge the problem even exists, leaving customers out in the cold so-to-speak, amounts to a whole level of arrogance and a business mistake of epic proportions. A customer service failure? You bet!

And today… A52: 5393 queue, 235min. blizz: “Not today”

This is pathetic. I’m currently stuck on a 211 min queue with 4674 people waiting to login on Area 52, while Stormrage which is a bigger server you get in a queue for 15 min and 600 people. This is the 2nd day in a row and not only that but we are all paying to TRY to play this game. Blizzard, we players demand an urgent fix for this!!!

edit: it seems Blizzard never learns. EVERY expansion or major patch release we have problems connecting to the server!!!

I’m also sitting at position 4839. What I find interesting is, the person I play with is seeing maybe 15 or so people in Oribos and hardly no one at all in the zones. Also isnt sharding supposed to help with this? Maybe I just don’t get it.

A52: at 5:35 central time I’m in a 5246 queue with a 247 minute wait time.

We seriously need this addressed. 250 minute long que to play? The only “solution” is to transfer off the server, but why should we pay for that? Offer free transfers or resolve the issue.

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Hey all,

Our WoW team is definitely aware of the issues on Area 52 and they are actively monitoring it / working to improve the situation.

As Zungar linked up above, our WoW Community Manager Kaivax posted about this in the General Discussion forums just a bit ago.

While this isn’t an issue that we (Technical Support) can troubleshoot, I will leave the thread open as long as discussion remains civil and on-topic. Hopefully we’ll see some improvements soon!

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ok; it has been 48+ hours since the launch of Shadowlands on Area 52 server. How much patience must we endure before we can participate in Shadowlands?


Hi Jambrix,

I appreciate the response and update. We really need a more permanent solution to these server issues. I understand allowing more players in the server can compromise the stability and that’s a risky decision right now.

In the interim, why can’t we do migrations like the old days? I feel like I have to pay for a transfer in order to even play the game, and that is not right at all. (I actually couldn’t transfer my character right now if I wanted to, because he has mail, so I’d have to wait a 4+ hour que just to free up the mail -_-)

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Customer Support / Technical Support does not get to make decisions about whether or not to enable free realm migrations or anything like that.

If you want to suggest that as an option, it would be best to make a thread about that on the #community:general-discussion forums where it can be seen by the WoW team / Community team or on the #area-52 forums. The people that make those decisions don’t look to the Technical Support forums for feedback or suggestions unfortunately.

How much patients are we supposed to have? We paid full price and we pay monthly. I’ve been waiting in a 4.5 hour que. I have a full time job and I’m a mom of triplets. How the hell am I supposed to wait up until midnight to play? How about a form of a credit for people that are going through this?

How is this even an issue? Why wasn’t this addressed before launch? Clearly you guys know the numbers on each server?

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You guys are part of the same company correct? Couldn’t you take this suggestion. To them and let them know many people have already posted requesting this?

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I fear that we expect too much from Blizzard’s Customer Support.

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well i’m just hoping that i don’t get dc’ed this time I’ve sat in que twice now from the 5k mark an lets just say i’m a little salted, but kinda happy that some servers are actually populated like this again, yes it’s a pain but at the same time gives me some hope in a way.

Maybe this is something that “Technical Support” can help with then…how about compensation for those of us who paid for the expansion and have not been able to play it, or play it much because of your company’s failure to fix this issue in a timely manner?

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Glad a GM can reply to this in technical support but can’t grab ones attention in the Area52 server chat.

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and the queue is back once more, i’m really tired of this, all people want is to play the game, not sit in the queue game


“[Customer Support / Technical Support does not get to make decisions about whether or not to enable free realm migrations or anything like that.”]
(Area 52, the queue - #32 by Jambrix)

Notwithstanding that Area52 players, including myself, are currently plagued by constant disconnections and/or lengthy, if not intolerable server queue times, they (Customer Support/ Technical Support) seem unable remedy or effect any positive change on behalf of Area52 players. Some of us are having to endure server queue times of 2-3-4+ hours to access Area52. That said, I will write to Blizzard directly via their Public Relations group at to express my utter dissatisfaction, disappointment and frustration as a faithful and loyal customer. I propose you all do the same. Following that, if more is needed, I will post here.

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