[Area 52] Returning player looking for a home

As title states, I’m looking for a guild to call home. I’m a bit tired of these mega guilds that toss random invites with an addon! Medium preferred :open_mouth: I play often, and find that most if not all my buddies/friends have stopped playing :frowning:

Hi there! My guild Roll for Initiative is recruiting raiders and is always looking to add new faces to our community! We are also on Area 52! We are pve/social guild. We raid Tue/Thu 8:30-11:30pm est. Our current prog is 7/8H. We have dps spots available! Roll for Initiative hosts a variety of weekly events like tmog/achieve/mount farming, board games, movie night, and we play other games together too! We run m+ and are also going to be starting rbgs on the weekends!
Contact: bnet - NobleWarBear1291 discord - noblewarbear


Hello there if we sound like a fit let me know we are not a mega guild but we def would like to add more members to our guild. we are a friendly group of players that keep it fun while pushing content as far as we can. we are currently 8/8 normal and 5/8 heroic. raid is friday 8:30pm EST and sunday 6:00pm EST. hit me up should you want to join us :slight_smile: