I’m a returning player looking for a 1-2 day a week semi-casual AOTC guild. I’m planning on playing Rogue for 10.2, haven’t decided on any alts. I have raid experience on Mage and Hunter, and did AoTC in 10.0, took a break for 10.1.
I would like a guild that is inclusive and not too serious, with an active community that is down to jump into M+ whenever. I enjoy playing a variety of games and enjoy playing things with friends whenever I can. I have very low commitments so I am available for pretty much any time slot.
[Bruh] Server Cluster: Akama, Dragonmaw, Mug’Thol Raiding Type: Midcore
We achieve AOTC regularly before nerfs, and get KSM each season for all those in guild who want it.
Recruiting: 1-2 DPS (Ranged preferred, but will take any exceptional DPS). 1 DPS/Healer Flex
Raiding Schedule:
Raid Days: Saturday and Sunday
Raid Times: 6:00-8:30 PST // 9:00-11:30 EST
Some Info on Us:
We are a small, chill, no drama guild of individuals in their mid 20s to early 30s who share a passion for World of Warcraft. We raid to have a good time and get stuff done.
If you require some more gear to raid we are more than happy doing some gear runs in M+. You don’t need to transfer servers to join us; however, we require people to be in the Discord for raid and mythic+ runs. Our guild does require a 70% attendance rate for raiding. Horde or Alliance are welcome.
Discord: levoe or mcbublepants
Battlenet: Levo#11410 or Zurgilz#1715