Area 52 <Nidhögg> Casual AOTC Raiding Guild

Nidhögg - Horde & Alliance - Area 52

We are a casual Normal/Heroic raiding guild that prioritizes fun over progression. Each raid tier, we start by clearing Normal and then we progress through Heroic, almost always achieving AOTC before the end of the raid tier. We sometimes do achievement runs and alt runs for fun also. We don’t raid mythic.

We raid Wednesday and Thursday. 8pm-11pm (Pacific time).
Discord is required.

We are currently seeking Healers, as well as DPS players who are able to switch between DPS and Healing as needed.

If you do not heal but are still interested in joining, we are happy to have you in the guild, but we cannot guarantee you a raid spot until we get more healers.

In Nidhögg we have an extremely diverse raid group comprised of people from just about every part of North America. We have a strong core of members who have been with the guild for many years as well as many more who show up when they are able. In our group, real-life comes first, so if you cannot make every raid night or have to respond to sudden issues during raid, we are very understanding. While we excel at maintaining a fun, stress-free raid environment, you should have a reasonably thick skin as we don’t generally hold back when it comes to jokes, etc.

If you are not currently on Area 52, you are welcome to join us during raid from your existing server to try things out.

To join the guild or our raid, contact me at:

GotNoRice#1568 (BattleTag)
GotNoRice#9131 (Discord)

Read between the lines… They say LOTS of racist stuff.

This is a MAGAt guild

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I’m not sure who you are or why you decided to post in this thread. People in our guild come from a wide variety of backgrounds, including a wide variety of political opinions. Politics is generally not discussed much at all. What you quoted was not a hidden reference to anything political. If anything, I’d say that the majority of our guild members enjoy being part of a community that is absent of divisive politics.

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Hey i tried adding you on discord but the tags weren’t working. if you guys are still recruiting i’d like to apply. my discord is NiceAristocrat#7870

Sorry about that! The reason is because the contact info I put in the first post was our BattleTags, not our discord IDs. It was confusing because they use the same formatting. I’ve updated it to make it more clear. I will try to get in touch with you on Discord.

Hey if you guys are still recruiting raiders, I’d like to apply! my Btag is Ghost#17865

hi hi <3

Raid Days: Any days.
Raid Times: 7pm-1am EASTERN
Server: Area-52
Faction: Horde
Class: Druid Spec: Bear/Feral


We’re still looking for more, for now and TWW.

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If you are still recruiting I sent you a battle tag request: SneakyOutlaw. I main destro warlock and have since MoP. I have AOTC for Legion and BFA raids, but quit playing a few months into Shadowlands, my old guild fell apart around the same time. I’m trying to get back into the swing and find a new raiding guild with people who don’t get easily offended, can relate to a bit of dark humor, and can find the fun in talking a little trash.

We are still recruiting. At this time we are short on healers, so we are seeking Healers as well as DPS who have a Healer off-spec (and are willing to actually heal, especially at first).

interested Friends request sent from mowkade