Group of dudes looking for a new guild. Just some middle aged guys that want to raid and do keys. Have been running raids since Vanilla. Due to work schedules we are looking for something where we wont be crucified for not being able to make it to raid. Need a guild that enjoys the talking of the #$@%. Cheers
Add me on Bnet Truthism#1157
Fri-Sun 10:30pm - 1am (EST)
We’ve got a lot of key runners in our guild above 3k, and a few of us are pushing title this patch. Our core is comprised of all old friends that are CE players, focused on keys and building our core this patch to push CE in the new Xpac.
Hey there! We are a newer guild (just started this week but growing fast) that is preparing to march forward into TWW and obtain AOTC and KSM throughout the expansion.
Our raid times will be 9-11PM EST and no, there is no worries if you can’t make it to raid. Life comes first. This is a video game at the end of the day.
Anyways, I have popped my recruitment post below for you to check out and my contact information is there as well. I look forward to hearing from you so we can discuss things further!
good morning. I would love to get the chance to talk to you reguarding our guild for your new home. We are on burning blade and the servers linked to them. With TWW the server doesnt matter. we raid wed thur 9-12 est. Community is very good. Play mult games.
Hit me up on discord Bigkef#8664
Suhp dooo, we 20-60 yr old, game erry day, key alot raid 4 hrs a week , we on a 52, friends and family welcomed . More casual mythic team,
fri sat 8-10 pm server
Hey man! just wanted to reach out and see if you were still looking! Mostly Moist is recruting all members at the moment! reach out to me on discord or bnet if your interested!
disc: themoomanz
bnet: DeathMoodle#1513
Hey man, I am looking for a good home for my Toons. 514 UH DK/Blood, 513 Destro Lock, 511 Ret/prot and an assortment of other classes =)