Are you tired of tanks in shuffle?

idk if you’re just a tank player or if english is your 19th language


why did you get elite and not gladiator in s1 of bfa and sl out of curiosity? You were so close to getting the cool mounts.

ya im sure about that

im also sure that i shall dig up those posts later on today

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I got a boring meeting. Please do so, nephew flux. For uncle jombo.

giga inflated rbgs lmao



You’re an angel, lol.

dude check it out i was fist fighting numb in that post about the same guy and he is liking my posts now

shadowlands rly changes ppl

god bless u numb


Maybe….just maybe, hating self righteous tank players is what is going to unify the PvP player base. Worldpvp is the sacrificial lamb that will bring us all together. Wow, what a twist of events.

I bet Murklock even reconnected with his family after he got out of prison, got a job as a greeter at Walmart and is paying back all of the child support he owes. Thank you, worldpvp. You saved our community.


Wait, what was I doing lol?
There was no way I was defending a tank?

Okay I see where I went wrong late in the thread.
I apologize for that. I should have known better since he is a tank player.
Please forgive me for I know now where I went wrong

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I had a ton of fun playing in the solo shuffle tourney but I don’t want to play any solo shuffle matches with tanks involved

I’m guaranteed to have a low quality game. The game mode is not designed well for it at all and tanks haven’t been designed in a way that works in PvP for years.


gretings kydad how hangs it

Hail flux it good how u? I miss come back 2 mi pls

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am return 2 play dragonman in solo shuffle

am gonna fly around the 1400 bracket and ruin as many games as i can


arena cord not same without u fren

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lacking bad words smiley face

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If you or a loved one has suffered from a tank accident you may be entitled to financial compensation. Tank queues is a rare cancer linked to PVP exposure. Exposure to tanks in the Ruins, Hook Point, Sewers, Coliseum, Mugambala or even the battleground industries may put you at risk. Please don’t wait, call 1-800-BAN-TANKS today for a free legal consultation and financial information packet. Tank queue patients call now! 1-800-BAN-TANKS.


go on am listenin

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Tired of Demon Hunters, shamans, mages, and rogues deleting everything in seconds. Id rather tanks and warlocks everyday, oh and holy paladins because they are just free kills now.