Are you tired of Playing Video Games

Here at WoW Classic, we believe the game should be handled as mostly a spectator. Things like leveling, are things of the past. We have boosting for all your alt needs, so you can sit back and relax as your exp bar goes up a lot slower than the auto boost on retail, its much more thrilling and time consuming.

We have GDKP runs when you finally get boosted up to max. So if you can’t find players to do raids with, don’t want to, or you just want to simply pay to win. It’s a great feature to tie with the ultimate package of adding 4 more subscriptions and multiboxing mages. This will get you all your gold farming needs for the in game purchases.

Of course if you wanted to be on the daring side, you could swipe your card on a side scam gold selling site and skip the gold farming piece, but do this at your own risk, (Streamer Mode).

So join us here at WoW Classic, You don’t have to play to win. You just have to pay. :slight_smile:


you’re silly. you don’t need to buy gold from scam sites. all you have to do is get a wow token and trade retail gold for classic. its legal.

Well, i said if you wanted to be daring. :slight_smile:


You can do that in retail now days, and from what I have heard the services provided to retail on the pay to win or also known as RMT are vastly more advanced when compared to the primitive services in classic.

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I’m not a TOS scientist or anything but I’m pretty sure that this isn’t expressedly condoned or allowed…though I recognize it would be almost impossible to track.

This reminds me of that Susan express website that uses to kill lvl 1 alts to spell out their websites :joy:

Times were simpler back then

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If there is one thing we’ve learned in Classic, it’s that if players can cheese/cheat their way past content to skip directly to the rewards, and get away with it, they will. And most will feel zero shame in doing so. But do the rewards even end up feeling rewarding? I doubt it.


A lot of servers don’t even do GDKP at all

No one is making anyone play this way

I started in BC, so I missed vanilla. I’m looking forward to experiencing classic farming, raiding, rep grinds, all of it.

I wouldn’t want to skip the experience at all, that’s the most important part of the game imo

Idk how anyone would have fun just buying everything, then logging in and sitting in org with their epics.

I have definitive evidence from this likely not trustworthy post that it is fine.

Surely they’d address this post if it’s not allowed, right? … probably not but still.

Blizzard can’t seem to figure out an effective way to detect and ban gold sellers and buyers

Because flags to detect large transfers of gold from characters who have never interacted before then, or ridiculous item auctions are just too hard to code in this day and age…