Are you really done with tuning?

While Enhance remains a massive outlier and specs like Dev are treated as lepers?

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This is blizzard u r talking about, they don’t balance thing, they just make a class out of the way god tier so people would reroll, and when next season come the god tier will be nerfed to dog tier and another rise up, just hope and pray it is your class turn.

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I haven’t kept up much, so I just went and looked at warcraft logs and wowmeta but enhance seemed to be pretty much close to the upper half of the dps specs. They do about the same dps (average and max) as many others specs, maybe a hair bit higher. What are they massively ahead in? Sorry for the question!

I think maybe the bigger problem is the lower half of specs are far away from the upper half of specs, but I couldn’t find anything statistics wise that showed enhance as a massive outlier on its own. It looked more like a “group A vs group B” kinda thing. I think if maybe blizzard buffs up the lower half of specs to even it all out, things should be ok.

For reference, what I found was a wowmeta page that pulls data from warcraft logs and aggregates it into a table, seen here: (not the tier list part, but the dps tables).

they’ll never figure out how to balance this game tbh…

their original classes from 20 years ago are the least polished, and ones they struggle with the most…I think the designers just rotate metas at this point, based on who’s playing what on the team :rofl:

too many classes. We sort of need a Great Extinction Event or a super-overhaul that merges some classes into identical specs. basically turning mages and warlocks both into the same Ma’lock class…

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Part of the problem is the extreme levels of ilvl and stat ballooning over the course of one expansion.

DF S1: 421 ilvl
DF S4: 528 ilvl

That’s 100 ilvls within 1 expansion followed by another 100 from the end of DF to TWW S1.

TWW S1: 636 ilvl

We are likely going to see at least another 100 ilvls if they follow the same season to season increase or more.

This is going to be even more insane because we know they have a “trilogy” of expansions planned which means there is not likely going to be another stat squish.

With numbers inflating so high, it’s clear that they are struggling to tune things properly because small % changes with numbers this big has larger impacts. If we are already doing ~1.5 million DPS overall, what is it going to look like by the end of the expansion let alone after 9 more seasons in the “trilogy”?

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We’re getting a squish in midnight aren’t we? Or have they already gone back on that since the WSS announcement.

Oh I’m not sure. If you heard it then I’m prob wrong cause I was speculating. Seems weird to me if they stat/level squish in the middle of a saga.

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