This is all fictional. This would be my end to BfA and the Start of 9.0, This is solely based on Sylvanas’s endgame : Stormwind.
The Horde
Sylvanas finally launches her final attack on the Alliance main capital city. After a long but brutal battle, she wins. The Horde is now in control of Stormwind.
The Alliance
While the Horde recuperates. The Alliance launches a final attack on Silvermoon City who is now lightly protected due to the full blown attack on Stormwind. After what seems to be a quick battle, Silvermoon falls. The Alliance is now in control of Silvermoon City.
The Horde - Gameplay
New Capital City : Stormwind
New Core Race : Blightcaller (Nathanos-like)
Freshly risen by Sylvanas Windrunner, the once humans of Stormwind serve the Banshee Queen, those unwilling will be returned to the grave. Those who are willing, now serve and join the Horde.
New Starting Zones = Elwynn Forest, Westfall, and Duskwood
Now controlled by the Horde. These zones tell a grim story. Led by Nathanos Blightcaller, the new undead humans look to up to him for leadership. Redridge Mountains is now a heavily contested zone where the Blightcallers are pushing for total control, but Dark Iron forces seek to defend it for the Alliance.
The Alliance : Gameplay
New Capital City : Silvermoon City
New Core Race : High Elves
With their home reconquered and fully in control of the Alliance, some Void Elves seek to cleanse themselves of the insidious Void. Many fail, but those who overcome the shadows are welcome into the Silver Covenant led by Vareesa Windrunner.
New Starting Zones = Eversong Woods, Shadowlands and Isle of Quel’danas
Journey from Eversong Woods to the Shadowlands and cleanse these lands of the Void. Led by Alleria Windrunner who now seeks to right her wrongs and aid those who want to rid themselves of the Void’s grip. Finally, reach the Isle of Quel’danas where the final challenge awaits.
Humans and Blood Elves can either have a new separate set of quests in these new zones or play through their starting zone with a teloportation choice at the end by a guardian of time.
For sure. Trading capital cities, allowing controversial races/models to be playable by the other faction. I doubt Blizzard would ever have the “balls” to this type of change.
However, this is a faction war expansion, they should make something permanent and drastic, kind of tired of non-consequential “wars” where nothing in-game really changes.
Why do you think players would quit over this?
I guess to Orgrimmar we go then. Geez, some of you get trigger at anything that mentions high elves. I can literally just edit it, make Lightforged Orcs come to the Alliance and we take control of Orgrimmar, is that better for you? Lightforged Orcs are already a thing.
That wouldn’t work. There is no real easy way to invade Stormwind.
The Horde has zero naval fleet, they can’t teleport armies. Everything north of Stormwind is a mountainous nightmare filled with dwarves and gnomes. Westfall is a supply-desert, Duskwood is filled with feral worgen and scourge, Stranglethorn and the Swamp are really their only foot-holds in the region. And even then those are some pretty bad footholds.
How about we trade the Exodar and Silvermoon instead?
2 out of the way cities no one really cares about that balances out the world. The Horde can get a space ship so each of the factions would have one. Too bad only the Alliance would know how to fix one…
Stevie Wonder could see this thread for what it really is and to be honest I don’t care if Alliance gets high elves as long as they give the horde their version of an Alliance race to make it fair.
What you offered up will only anger both Alliance and Horde Player bases.
PLus if you really think BfA has been about a faction war then you are fooling your self.
All the faction war stuff has been a way to weaken both sides before the real Battle for Azeroth (The battle to protect the planet and titan soul from Azshara and N’zoth).
Neither side is going to lose another capital city this expansion the rage over it would eclipse the rage over Teldrasill
This idea doesn’t work because not only is sw the alliances major capital, but that would still leave the horde with a major foothold on eastern kingdom which it seems blizz intention is to split the 2 continents horde and alliance
Bold idea OP but after so many years we all know Blizzard. This war will accomplish nothing, and any major changes will likely be instanced. Horde and Alliance will practically remain untouched, and next expansion we’ll reset per normal as if BFA never happened.
After all, can’t have those level 5 bank alts complaining about annoyances can we?
Considering the Alliance has God-tier champions on their side and the Horde has… Nathanos? If it comes to an all out invasion for Stormwind, we’re all dead.
You would be giving horde cities on Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms in central locations and delegating all the remote out of the way crap holes to alliance.
I don’t play this game for their dumb story anyway. So I don’t care if is it war.