Are you playing classic at Ultra graphic settings, or classic settings?

Personally I’m playing at Ultra. But it’s nice that we’re able to play classic with modern legion/BFA graphics and given the option of classic settings as well.


Everything maxed out here.


Somewhere in the middle.


Max 10, Low Shadows and Water.



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Won’t be an issue at all for most, until 40 man raids time when 40 player spell effects start lagging your computers.

maxed out, ultrawide

Everything at max.
I’m playing classic because it’s the better game with a vastly superior design in all fields, not because of nostalgia.

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ultra 10/10

Ultra, 4K, 30 inch, smallest UI scale. Glorious.

I don’t understand why the #nochanges crowd refuse it. How does some shadows and more grass change your game-play?


I’m at a 10 here too.

If only Blizz allows ReShade. :neutral_face:

Mine says 3 but I turned everything to the max, In BC till WoD I had a PC that could only run on low/medium. I got a new one though at start of BfA and WoW’s graphics are just awesome, i’m talking all expansions

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Playing at the highest settings. I didn’t have a computer at the time I started playing WoW that could handle the highest level of graphics at the time. Now I can finally experience that feeling.

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At this point if you think the graphics can affect the exp of the game. You should be on siting on the sofa of a psicologist taking teraphy and not playing wow. How stupid and ignorant somebody should be to cry for such thing

I’m playing at graphics level 3 for the classic experience, but I did turn water detail up when fighting murlocs so I could see them lurking underwater. It feels like cheating, but I’d rather not get jumped by 5 of em and die!

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Went with ultra after the first hour in classic. While I want to experience Classic WoW it is 2019 :slight_smile:

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I’m in between.

Minimum setting locked to 480x640 on an old crt monitor.

Joking aside though I did have a go at ultra settings for a while and I kinda have mixed feelings about it. It looks amazing, but it kinda makes me miss the jank of the old graphics, so I might turn them back down.

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Wait, did they add new character models?

I have settings at ultra but everything goes darker and can be hard to find objects that are tied to quests