Are you not releasing a fresh server with Cata prepatch?

The most enjoyable experience I ever had in WoW was playing on a fresh pre patch WotLK server.

I was truly hoping to relive that experience with WoW Cata. Sadly it appears blizzard isnt releasing one.

Without a fresh server to peak interest, I believe Cata will be dead on arrival


not going to happen.

the fresh wrath servers died.

they are currently consolidating wrath servers before cata.


Theres been a handful of posts just like this and the general consensus is that it didnt work so theres no point in doing it again.


With all of the ongoing mergers I don’t see the long term gain of it.
If I’m not mistaken one of the closing servers was a fresh Wrath server too.

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The wrath servers were murdered by blizzard. Not due to lack of interest


thats not surprising, their server management from the start of classic has been pathetic

Considering that Cata is all about being fresh and having a all new leveling system and class mechanics, would make sense to have at least ONE fresh server for it.

Thast the census of Cata, being in a fresh new world, all about the level new experience.

Wrath servers are filled with max players anyway, who will probably not care about the new level experience so will just continue their normal max lvl.

Its a no brainer for cata to be a fresh server for it is designed to be.

If it was panda, or later then yeah i see no point.

Cata is fresh so deserves to be at least one fresh server.


Main reason wotlk fresh servers died was the fact that you knew that 3months from release transfer will guess what,a relative medium server died the day people were able to leave the server.keep the server out of transfers,both outgoing and ongoing and it would work just fine.but $$ better than communities.

Maybe they are consolidating those servers to make the “unused” servers fresh.

That way they already have the server hardware in place. They just need to “wipe” it clean, give it a new name and call it Cata Fresh.

That could actually work right? :slight_smile:

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Doesn’t change the fact that they died

Changes the reason though, if blizz just didnt allow transfers on and off it would of still have a very medium sized population which is higher then the servers getting closed.

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You don’t really have any way of knowing that. People being able to transfer off their server or not isn’t likely going to change their decision to stop playing the game when they grow bored of it. You’re trying to connect an effect to a cause that’s completely unrelated

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They are litteraly clipping most the servers. Good sign they arent adding more.

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Closing half of the active servers ahead of CATA release is not a good harbinger for them to be opening a new one for the 11 people clamoring for a “fresh start”.

Brother they’re not even properly testing the game before launch.

Don’t expect much from an xpac which blizzard is clearly showing us is nothing but a sad attempt to cash out on boosts and subs before classic closes.

Other betas had 2 months of arena testing to work out bugs, Cata we did 2 hours of RBG testing with no pvp enabled and called it a day.

At this point it’s operation collect money and cash out for blizzard.


Wrong. blizzard literally locked the server preventing people from rolling on it cause it was so popular it had a 5 hour queue to get in. Then they opened free transfers off. The faction that was slightly outnumbered, fled in mass creating a massive faction imbalance.

Blizzard only unlocked the server allowing people to roll on there after the server was already doomed

history says the server would be so popular there would be a 5 hour queue just to get in

Actually, I would say that acti-blizz, now under the Microsoft umbrella, will do whatever maximizes profits. Opening a new server, especially after closing a bunch, doesn’t seem to make sound fiscal sense. It wouldn’t attract new accounts, just shuffle x to y.

why would they? Wrath which was WAY more popular than cata did this with 2 fresh servers that started in the TBC prepatch. Guess what? those servers died 2 months after wrath released and people complained about being stuck on a dead server.

TLDR. Awful idea.

Those ONLY died when they allows transfers OFF but not transfers ON to the server…