Are you intentionally ignoring Guilds and Comments about the UI & Permissions?

How many characters does it take to get a response from the development team about our guilds? One? Ten? Hundreds? Thousands? How many of us will it take to get a response about the Guild Permissions and UI? It’s been 5 months since the change and we still have nothing…

For those who may not know what I’m talking about, I’m the GM of Hidden Eclipse. When Blizzard put forward the 8.0 Pre-Patch to the Live Servers, something slipped under the radar, Guild Permissions. Here’s a quote from the main thread about the change on the day of July 17, the day pre-patch hit Live Servers:

On July 26, there were 487 replies about this change. In 8 days, the thread had attained 26 pages worth of replies about the topic. Blizzard continued to ignore the issue, address it, or even acknowledge the complaint of the players.

Fast forward to August 23. Ion addresses the elephant in the room and says the following:

“Let us know what problems you’re having [regarding guild permissions] and we’ll do what we can to solve those problems”

After 1,331 posts on The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes thread, Ion asks to let them know of the problems we’re having. This is the only reply we’ve gotten from Blizzard since August. It’s December 14, almost a new year, almost been half a year since the Pre-patch change and we’ve received no word of acknowledgement about this.

2,383 replies on this one topic, which there were 3 active threads in July if you can remember back that far. 6 months since the issue began. Only 1 comment from Blizzard showing they haven’t even looked at the megathread about it.

Most GMs posting in the thread still, don’t even know why we’re bothering. Because if this is how Blizzard is treating Guilds, it’s a no wonder we’re an afterthought. Just look at Communities. Blizzard created Communities instead of adding enticing things to guilds. I’m not trying to bash on Communities, as they do have their purpose but why not make things for guilds?

Sigh… My guild is the last bastion I have in WoW. They’re the only reason I’m logging onto WoW to progress my character, stay ahead, learn different strats, etc… and even keeping my subscription. I do this to make their life easier when they play, so they can have a great time. I won’t cancel my subscription over 1 change and expansion because I love my guild but if you won’t add things or make it worthwhile being a GM, what’s the point even in guilds in WoW.

Throw us a bone and give us feedback to what we’ve suggested. Guilds have been there when you were hurting Blizzard… now you’re hurting us and turning your back.


I hate to say it but it’s possible that this is where they are keeping the Guild permissions from now on for simplicity’s sake.

It eliminates the possibility of somebody robbing or destroying a guild because of permissions that weren’t understood or were improperly set.

It probably reduces the number of these cases thus it reduces the GM case load and potentially saves money.

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Intentionally? Probably not.

But there’s no doubt they’re ignoring it.


It’s very intentional. If it wasn’t intentional they would have said something in the last 150 days since the linked thread was created.

I hate to be the Debbie Downer but the way I see it is that soon that lengthy thread will cap and not be unlocked again, then future threads created on the topic will be deleted by our friendly “forum moderation team”, and eventually this whole topic will be swept under the rug as players will just accept that nothing will be done.

It’s a damn shame that they can’t just give a small update like “hey guys, I know it’s been 150 days but we’re still pretending to look into this” or maybe “hey guys, I know our communication is worse than Walmart’s customer service but we wanted to let you know that the permissions are staying like they are”.


I use an add on (guild roster manager) to do things like update notes.

!note 350 Tank

Would set your note to say 350 Tank as long as there is someone online that has the add on installed with note edit permissions

They expect us to just give up. They will continue to ignore us and guilds will continue to not matter anymore. If there’s no incentive to rank up, if there’s no individual permissions, then people just won’t care and they’ll pug stuff.

I want my permissions back.


This is a crappy problem for a GM. I trust a lot of people to edit the MOTD but I don’t want really anyone deleting messages. I want anyone who can invite players to be able to edit the public note but I don’t want all of those people to have the other stuff. Bleh. What a mess.


10 Shareholders and a nod from the CEO


We are not going away Blizz, FIX THE GUILD UI and PERMISSIONS!


With all due respect.

That statement could not be further from the truth.

These simplified permissions (ie “is officer”) force Guild Leaders into decisions that may not be beneficial to their guilds.

The old permissions gave Guild Leaders a means to “weed out” bad apples by slowly promoting those who want more trust and or responsibility within the guild by giving said persons more and more responsibilities over time. “Is officer” forces a Guild Leader to into an all or nothing situation. Leaders have to either take all or most guild responsibilities upon themselves, or to perhaps put trust in those who have not yet earned it and may very well not deserve it. Guild ranks have become meaningless. You are either an officer with all permissions or you aren’t. How would that work out in a large multi-million dollar business? A large business like Blizzard?

In fact, the new permissions are in no way conducive to guild security, and in fact are even a danger to said guild security.


This is pure speculation with no facts to back it up.

More speculation / opinion.

I for one, and i know there are others, refuse to let this issue die.
Be one of them!

I could not agree with this last statement more.

It’s easy Blizzard.

Are we wasting our time as this ridiculous “is officer” nonsense is the way it is now, or are you still “looking into things” and still eager for our feedback? (all six months or so of it)

It has to be one or the other.


Under the new standards unless the issues can be fixed and meet a satisfaction score of 5 out 5 then it’s a no and ignored as so not to effect the satisfaction score. So I heard on reddit

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It’s a bit hard for it to be pure speculation when today marks 160 days without any peep from Blizzard at all. 160 days without anything seems like a bit much.

How many days do we need to go before my comment isn’t pure speculation? 260? 360?

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You do have a valid reason to sound upset.

Don’t you think everyone else is as well?

I’ve been posting on the mega thread for months (since nearly the start)

If anyone has a right to sound bitter and attempt to make speculation sound like fact it’s me.

As much as I honestly understand and sympathize, the fact remains that you are speculating. You have nothing concrete. (I tend to think along those same lines often trust me) However, do I know for a fact Blizzard isn’t working on a fix?


And neither do you or anyone else as of this writing.

If it is intentional and they don’t intend to fix it, then why hasn’t Blizzard just said so and or locked the threads regarding this topic long ago?

Like I said, don’t let them make you give up. Don’t let them make you let this topic go. Stick with this and fight THEM!

I for one am on YOUR side.

Happy holidays to one and all.


< hires a necromancer >

Let’s see if they’d rather vacay someone than answer the threads in any way, shape, or form…


Because once again, someone at Blizz HQ had a stupid idea and was so convinced of it’s obvious superiority to the way players want to play that they can bear no criticism of that idea.

Ego driven development in a consumer product is doomed to fail, if people had an equivalent game to play right now, this kind of stuff would have already killed the game.

It’s only a matter of time, either they start listening or they find out the hard way. IMO


Another necro…REALLY?!

Topic is still completely valid, so…:woman_shrugging:

If they’d give some info on the permissions being unbundled maybe the zombification could stop.


I gave up reasoning with this brain dead development. They’re took locked into “Their way or the highway”.

Well, I’ve accepted that. You know what I’ve done? Started playing other games. It wasn’t other games that made me loose interest in WoW. It was the developers themselves and design direction.

I raid log now. Probably will next expansion at the current rate. Why put effort into something the studio clearly doesn’t care to support or create more things for.

It’s just… Whatever at this point. I don’t even care anymore.


Shouted down with deafening silence…

I don’t think they can change it back honestly, the entire menu and everything was tossed and reworked into the new communities menus.

The reason I think they won’t touch this hot potato is because they can’t say anything about it without inadvertently admitting they never even gave a shred of thought about any implications it would cause when they chose to go ahead and do it. That alone is a lot worse then even ignoring after the fact…never being considered of from the inception that is.

I think they are going to kill off guilds and make clubs. Let you join more than one at once and probably make mythic cross server more possible. They have made it harder and harder on guilds since Cata. Which was the last time they tried helping guilds with perks…only to back peddle on all of it.