Are you guys there?

People are having issues with being able to see their realm and characters. This has been happening for hours. What is being done? IS anything being done or are we to wait till tomorrow for the patch? A little info plz.

do you not see other posts about this? why are you making another post about this? chill and wait.

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I did not see any more posts on this.

I think they went home for the evening. Better luck next time i guess.

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They posted that they know about the issue and are looking into it.

I see it from yesterday, but not today.

Ok, I see the post from 4 minutes ago… after my post that they are still looking into it. Good to know, after I posted this message.

They are aware of things

They posted 2 hours ago, well before you posted this.

They just echo this again in the other thread. Just saying.

echo… echo… WOW I sound like a dolphin