Are you guys leaving for FFXIV?

Played 14. It was amusing for me since I grew-up playing FF games, but the MSQ really put a damper on the overall fun. Felt more like a singleplayer RPG with online elements. Meh. It’s not the game people make it out to be.

People really love to overhype it way more than it deserves, it’s a little weird.

Like, if you were to say “The story is nowhere near as cool as everyone says it is.” you’ll get torn a new one. People hate when you give your opinion that is against the “norm” everyone parrots how good the story is, but it’s honestly not even that good.

It’s also hard to really get particularly invested when you’re drip-fed it every 3-4 months. And when a patch’s story is a whole lot of nothing it’s like, you waited 3 months for faffing about and getting nothing come, come back in another 3 months.

All while paying 20 a month for. Of course, if you were one of those people who “only” play for the story (I feel bad for you) you’re paying 20 every now and again to see roughly 2 hours of NPC’s talking, a cutscene here and there and a dungeon. Do that 3 times and you could have bought yourself a brand new game, but you got 5 hours of a story you could probably just watch on Youtube or Twitch.

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Already did. My sub here runs until some time in November, so just hanging around the forums a bit until then, but I’ve moved on to greener pastures.

Already did but I find myself missing the Wow zones at times as well as pvp which is why I’m subbed right now.