Are you going to update Succubus model?

The Incubus is an updated model that looks 10x better than it’s counterpart. I have no issue with it being introduced to the game, seeing as I’m using it, but now the Succubus looks so terrible in comparison that you don’t even want to summon it for DS. And the Incubus simply looks out of place, and time, in this iteration of the game. It’s like someone used a time machine to take a Tesla back to the 1950s. I know resources are limited but maybe just upgrade the Succubus to the retail model? Or maybe design a more retro looking Incubus? It’s current model looks better than all the actual character models. This was such a silly decision.


I agree. I don’t think they did a thorough job downgrading the model to bring it on par with the succubus, it’s pretty clear the model has much better textures and much smoother animations (and hilariously oversized buttcheeks). They could consider giving the retail succubus the same downgrade treatment, but I’d prefer they do another take on the incubus and make it look more on par with his female counterpart.


It’s like we have a Demon Hunter as a minion. All he’s missing are the tattoos and the blindfold.

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better question, can we please just get a switch to turn on and off better character / npc models? id love to see the game with retail models lol


It looks really weird, and definitely throws me off. I ran into a few in Stormwind and… I really don’t like it. The difference in texture quality is jarring.


This is what I thought they were going to do when they first started talking about Classic. I remember it being a thing too. But when Classic released I never found it in the settings and just assumed I imagined it. I would totally be down for this now or in WotLK Classic. Especially if only one of my minions is going to continue to look like it belongs in retail.

I want to get a wiph of what you’re smoking. That thing is hideous. Even the Black Book wants nothing to do with it

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And yet I still find myself imagining long walks on the beach with him, candle lit dinners, and agreeing to sign a prenup. :wink:

it did exist in retail for a long time i have no idea if its there now tho
and i made several forum posts pre-classic asking for that exact thing a switch on and off for updated models.

youd be surprised how many people REEE’d at the thought that someone else DARE have a button they could toggle to see better character models.

Not surprised in the slightest. I’ve done my fair share of it on these forums too though. I was pretty vocal about wanting the character boosts to be free for everyone.

now if they would deal with dead servers and merge them because free xfer isnt a solution

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They had to remove it, as the new animations didn’t work with the old models.

I don’t really see an issue allowing people to use newer models, but I don’t think it’s needed.

its not needed but its simple to do and would be nice. however they have SOOOO many things to attend to that absolutely need fixed and addressed that have been ignored and sat on their thumbs to this moment yet.

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This might be a way to go, but as you say…

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That’s cause you play a male blood elf, you don’t get more effeminate than that.

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I wish all the demons got the newer models but that’s just me.

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The best description I heard for the incubus is that it looks like somebody cosplaying a at an anime convention, and runs around saying “rawr >;)”.

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I mean, male Tauren is. Look a little closer. Obviously every Alliance is.

They should fix the succubus death animation since it’s been bugged for months. It really shows where their priorities are.

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