Are you going to replace the low ilvl item that some of us got from the weekly box?

I had posted that I got a 395 item from the box that was supposed to be 493. Are you going to replace it? Or am I out of a piece of gear because I was quick to finish a quest?


I don’t think a forum post would help you with that , maybe try customer support


The latter, most likely.

They very likely will not replace it, based on precedent.

They might give you a :person_shrugging:


I got a response to my ticket confirm that “GMs can’t replace lost items” so we’re SOL. This simply isn’t good enough. So many people were affected by this. Just give us another box.


you can get all the 493s you want in a couple of months during pre patch.

I now this is annoying when this happens, I have had similar happen to me but it is just one piece of gear

Come on, Blizzard, give that guy his loot. He has what has to be the best mechagnome transmog I’ve ever seen. He deserves it.

Bugs like this at the start of a season are amplified because it can delay getting your tier seat by a week, or even two. The difference can be huge. You need every opportunity you can to get hopefully actually Tier gear but at least something that can be catalyzed. That’s why this is super annoying.

In the 10.2.5 launch, I got hit by this when the Emerald Dream weekly suddenly dropped blue gear. That got fixed too and I wasn’t compensated but it didn’t really matter so I never made a fuss.

But week 1 of a season? That’s why this sucks.


I did open a ticket. They told me to post on the forums and maybe the devs might see it and want to help. Perfect support model.

They haven’t in the past. This is why I no longer do those quests the beginning of the week after a new season starts.

Because there’s nothing a GM can do for you. The forum is for feedback/suggestions. There’s also an in game option, as well.