If so, Alliance or Horde? Switching to this realm from another? Etc.
Gonna wait for next realm with cooler name.
No, sticking fairbanks.
I’m open to transferring from Thalnos. If there’s a decent population, i’d seriously consider it.
LIke Chromie-NA
I’m assuming itll be about equal to Fairbanks, which was the only pvp realm at medium population today. All the others were high or full.
I’m going to wait an see which demographics are allowed on Stalagg before I consider making the move. Can someone from Herod please update the community on which groups are assigned to Stalagg?
Stalagg will be the Herod / Whitemane exodus containment zone.
We’re all Stalagg babies technically, from stress test 3
Russia has that already I believe
Stalagg is not for you…
I have a toon on Herod and 2 on Faerlina. Not leaving Faerlina and I don’t see what would lure me to move off Herod. Stalagg is going to be medium pop at launch and likely low pop a month or 2 later. I don’t want to be on a low pop pvp server that doesn’t even have sharding to make it seem more populated…
Im a Thalnos Horde player, but i am going to reserve a name on Stalagg anyways, in the event it is a better place for me.
Same. Plus, it’s a good chance to get a cool name. Maybe…Asmongold?
[A] Herod here. Not switching. As people have said in other threads a lot of players are likely going to be resubbing the day of. Probably going to be a long wait no matter where you go.
I’ve already got 3 very good names on Whitemane, I have zero intent to leave, regardless of queue times. I won’t be logging off for at least a day once im in anyway.
It’s a hard call. High population is a good thing in most regards. Low population is nearly always a bad thing (with some benefits!) and I don’t want to move to what has a chance to be a server very few people ultimately go to compared to the clutter of Herod. I know there’s the whole thing with streamers that may or may not still go to Herod and also that a lot of groups are making their home there. It’s a risk that my friend and I are just going to have to stick by.
The worst case scenario is… we migrate to Stalagg later, which, that might suck, but also oh well? Sometimes you just gotta do such things.
I’m sticking to Herod.
They’ll be offering us free transfers to Stalagg by November. If I want to change then, I will.
I’ll be deleting my chars on Herod and trying for better names on Staylagging.
If I can get the names and the pop seems good I’ll most likely stay.