Are you going to play Classic WoW?

No, the community who want classic seems to want a very different game than I do. I wish them well, but I want the other road, into the future.

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That doesn’t mix well with classic

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I will not play it. Far too primitive and inconvenient compared to live, not to mention it is a content dead end.


First and foremost, I wish you would keep these posts on the forum that was made for them.

Second, I seriously doubt I will bother with vanilla because I did not like the game all that much at that time. It was boring, took too long to level, one had to READ the quests to do them (going blind in the process) and some of the clues in the text were misleading.

Third, I like the quality of life improvements that come with retail. I have zero desire to slog through even 10 levels of vanilla leveling.

Lastly, the hype is saturating me. It’s getting to where I am becoming irritated at seeing “classic” everywhere. I am already sick to death of hearing about it.

Not trying to drag you down. Enjoy it. I simply have no interest.


Nope, with my schedule, I can’t afford to put more time into a game

Reg wow is all I have time for tbh.

And also tbh, I like the way wow is now. You can do easy things to hardcore things. Plus the graphics are nice

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Oh I know. I remember the 18 hours sessions. lol

I can’t do that anymore, though. I got the “Getting too old for this crap” debuff. It consists of random joint pain and life responsibilities.

Really sucks. :sweat_smile:

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what? you know that like 90% of people back then were casuals that didn’t raid.


No, primarily I’m pass the point of older style mmo’s. Spent a majority of my younger playing them, hours on end. While I have no regrets, I don’t wish to relive it all. While others are more than free to enjoy classic, i’m staying on retail with my wife.

Yes Ion we will play it…now run along and tell the shareholders.


Yes. Probaly fulltime. Ill support classic until they release tbc and LK servers. Then i will play those. Retail isnt fun anymore and i only ever log on these days to raid with the guild and my weekly 10 keys.


UGHH! I can’t play classic anymore. You know why?

Some people wanted to share their opinion that its going to fail and its not worth it. I mean I like to hear those opinions but when they told me that I’m stupid for trying to play it and I should ignore it… Damn. Looks like I’m already convinced not to play it. No chance of me even TOUCHING it now.

Seriously though, discussing the pros and cons of Classic is ok but I can’t stand it when you see people arguing against others who want to play it. Everyone is already made up on it. You can’t be a “classic doomsayer”, speaking and making points against it as if you’re on a crusade. Like your preaching some religion. Every classic thread has opinions. A fringe of people are on that doomsayer crusade.

“Classic is going to fail and if you say you’re going to play it, I’m going to rebuttal you on your own points (rather than just share my own view and move on). NO! I have to tell you your love of Classic is WRONG! Any mention of Classic I must spread the word of doom against it. This crusade will be won! I will convert many more to my cause. Do not play classic, because [insert bullet point list of why everyone should actually be an activist against classic].”


I’m going to play classic and I probably will leave BFA for the most part. Just my opinion. Time to move on.

I like to read everyone’s opinions on the matter, why they do or don’t want to play classic. I can’t stand the anti-classic crusaders though, their opinions are cool but the fact they rebuttal other’s desire to play classic is such a drag. Not saying anyone here in this thread said this but I’m just wanting to point it out that this happens in game or on discord etc. These crusaders exist and drag us down.

If you hate classic, thats good. I’d actually like to hear your opinion but not argue about it. If you just don’t care for it, also good. If you like classic and will play it, I also want to hear the reason. Just don’t stomp on anyone’s choice and/or desire to play or not to play.


I don’t think it will be my primary game, but I might try it. It was too bare-boned and of a previous MMO era, where everyone wanted that kind of game at the time. And I just got back on WoW recently; still plenty to do.

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We don’t need no stinkin’ bubble boys.

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I played Vanilla. I enjoy many of the QoL changes. I have no interest in playing an inferior version.

But at least people who want it will have it. Maybe they will shut up about it.


The inferior version is BFA.


Rehashing old content from the past isn’t going to make wow better. So not really no.


Only to go through Deadmines again on release so everyone is a noob. Then I’ll quit cause I ain’t farming Stratholme against 4 others of my class for 1 dungeon set piece again for over a month.

Are people actually going to put a 40 man Molten Core group together to do the old fashion way?

Are you going to spend months and months and month trying to get Grand Marshal rank is pvp?

There was actually talent trees back then. People now will be confused what goes what.

Having to think about what talent you want to pick in a mmorpg the horror.


I’m sure it will happen. It’s been possible to do for over a decade on privates, and how some people managed to go back do Naxx. The actual classic experience was not hard to reproduce, the difference could of been .5% to 1% in certain aspects.

The classic release is just because the Copyright department told Blizzard they could no longer issue DMCA due the experience not being the same for too long. This way they keep the money in the bank.

It’s both a wise business decision and also a safer bet for Classic fans since they will not risk having their progression wiped out due to a server shutting down. The official support is surely welcome.

Even if you do not feel like making it a priority, you can go play classic for the experience, or the quality pvp it had even if you are not into those 40 man.