Are you FOTM or loyal?

With season 2 getting closer there has been lots of sweeping changes and still more to come with classes, dungeons, raids etc. My question is are you the kind of person who swaps your main depending on whats meta for that season or are you loyal to your class through thick and thin? For me I will always play warrior even though it’s not the strongest out there.

Being loyal comes with some disadvantages though, like seeing yourself not being able to compete on damage and making it much harder for yourself to get invited to groups especially mythic + some people really don’t like this and swap in a flash and i would say they never really have a “main” just a seasonal meta class that gets tossed away if its not meta the next season after that. So again, which one are you? Are you FOTM or one who sticks with things.


Im pretty loyal to enhance yeah but id swap if it hurt my ability to play m+

Been sticking with this main since the beginning–through every nerf.

Brute is older than my oldest kid.


I always play monk and warrior and always excel in whatever it is I do

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I don’t do anything that requires me to care about whats best or not. Loyal to bears since… ehhhhh BC? I think? Strayed only once and in the end I couldn’t do it (BrM in WoD).


Play only paladin and sham. Not much else. And level alts to max then quit playing them soon after that.

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Priest and Paladin is my jam.

Always will be.

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I’ve mained this Warlock since around the middle of MoP, setting aside lapses in sub between then and now.


Pretty loyal for the most part. Even when BDK and brewmaster are horrible like they are now I still play them, but I check out the fotm too. Can’t stick to them for the most part because I tried them before and they don’t become my mains for a reason. Just waiting for my 15 minutes of fame on my mains if Blizzard allows.

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Quen is always the first character to go through any new content. Always has been since day 1.


Forget having a seasonal main. I don’t even have a weekly main.

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i’m an altoholic, but i play what’s fun even if it’s not FOTM. like disc is very strong in m+ this season but i’m not really into it, so i don’t play it. i also barely touched my shaman this season.

so strength of class/spec has some influence on my decisions of what to main, but it’s not the sole factor.

Mage since vanilla. Usually frost, but I love how arcane played in DF and S1 on TWW. But now it’s broken and worthless so back to frost again.

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It wouldn’t be a main if you repeatedly switched it.


I usually play my rogue, but since they still haven’t fixed stealth I am considering something else. Maybe my druid idk

Not only have i stuck with affliction ever since they destroyed MoP destruction, but i kept my drain soul spec, even when drain soul as a talent was a dps loss over taking no talent in that row at all. I kid you not, they left it like that for months, taking no talent on that row was a dps increase over using drain soul :woman_facepalming:


I play what is fun. Loyalty to a class is just masochism in WoW.

Don’t get combat rogue’d and stick with it for “muh loyalty.”


Stealth is still the single strongest tool imaginable for questing, so yeah I’m never putting Rogue down no matter what the math says.

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Maintained warrior, hunter, and shaman since around legion. One of them ends up being decent or even lucks out being fotm. Used to only one trick enhance and that lead to suffering in the past.

I go with whatever I feel like playing. Usually per expansion, but it depends if a change made makes the class unfun.

For example, I loved mage in DF and prior, especially Arcane. With TWW, I hate it. It’s no longer fun for me, so I am playing Druid instead.

And for years my original main, a warlock was on the backburner. She is/was my alt in TWW but as end-game is ‘meh’ to me, I’m finding it more fun to just level the army of alts for the heck of it.

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