Are you doing Tazavesh normal or hard mode tmr?

I thought you had to unlock hard-mode somehow, like completing it on normal first… Is that not the case?

Won’t be doing it in either mode. No guild, no friends online, no queue.

That’s kind of an aggressive take. Exploration is fun, and it does take some of the magic out of the game when everything is effectively “solved” on release. I’m still going to at least read up on the fights, but wishing it wasn’t this way is hardly wrong.

It’s not aggressive, it’s a viable strat for those people who don’t want to be spoiled.

Don’t read fan sites during ptr cycles, find like minded individuals and do your thing.

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I know doing Hard Mode So’leah gives you a mount, but do you have to do it without any deaths?

No mention of that anywhere.

And it was the achieve that required no deaths in BfA, the mount dropped just for doing it.

i have no idea if I’m even going to be able to find a team for it since I have no friends to play with lol
I’d be happy to at least see the dungeon a bit no matter the difficulty

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My main only has 208 ilvl so I’m probably not doing Tazavesh at all :man_shrugging:

idek what that is so I won’t be doing either :slight_smile:

I think that’s okay but of course most people will ask for AOTC and 225 plus to do it even on mythic without the hard mode. Shame you’re horde

all i know is so leah on hm is stupidly over tuned. my team blew through the rest of the dungeon and could not kill her.

Me to. So far normal has been a hard row to hoe.

Dps have to do the mechanics AND help interrupt.

So far most DPS are just trying to tunnel mobs and bosses down.

It’s not working very well….

normal cause we aren’t going to play the how to work around bugs on hardmode.

Not trying till they fix most of the bug in there

Uhhh, we have both atm?

We did hard up to pirate dragon before our healer had to bounce, he works at Amazon, awful schedule.

We didn’t know we had to do it in one sitting so we called it for the next day.

Otherwise we did fine, mail room wasn’t hard and we got sozami down in a few runs. Hardest part by far.

Probably only took us an hour is. I have no idea how people take more unless they go in with 200 ilvl.

I plan on normal once it gets some more patches. Since I keep seeing threads about how it’s buggy as heck