Are you doing Tazavesh normal or hard mode tmr?

Sounds like I’ll be doing whatever normalmode is then.

I believe by normal mode the OP just means the regular mythic difficulty.

i only do hard modes if it activates a mount drop chance :slight_smile:

And it does.

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then i will be doing a hard mode for the mount drop chance :slight_smile:

Regular, no hard mode for me next week :smiley:

I’ll probably try hard mode down the road but I just want to see it first.

First week, probably normal mode.

And I’ll still be sad, because this looks like a dungeon where you’re supposed to run around talking to NPCs, and there’s not 5 gamers alive that you can get in one group to do that.

It’s something that wants a solo experience, but is requiring a group.

Tazavesh will be fun next expansion when it’s soloable.


and thats exactly why wow ptr sucks. Nothing to be left discovered and mystery for players to find out, everything has a guide before its even out.

On the other side of it, wow without PTR would be even buggier.

I’m going in tazavesh raw. I’m clueless about the mechanics with it atm which I’ve done w/ alot of the megadungeons. I’ll probably jump in normal mode 1st just for fun then looking at hard mode week 2

And what? You think the people who found out how to activate hard mode didn’t go out and discover how to do it? You think blizzard just told them how to do it?

That is more on the community and not the PTR. What would you rather have. Guides that you do not have to read or an extremely buggy game?

It should all be found out week 1 of live release, on PTR when your expected to already remember it all.

Not really, FF14 has paid private testers who do not spoil anything so the actual player base sees all new content completely fresh and forms “learning groups” to clear new raid, ect.

why exactly?

It is not like it is a mythic only phase of a raid boss.

Then stick your fingers in your ears and find 4 other people who do the same.

That’s your choice. I’m not 14 anymore I can’t waste time learning everything from scratch. Well, I can, but people I play with have limited time.

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we’ll probably do normal mode the first week just to get a feel for the bosses and their mechanics, and then every week after that should be hard mode

Just make sure you get your neck this week then so you don’t have to fuss with weird things next week.


Just normal mode. I don’t know any of the boss mechanics.

I want to do hard mode but idk if any guildies will be on before our raid time and I know one of the bosses requires communication

I have to agree with this. I’m sorry but I will not be accepting people or joining a group of anyone who’s interested in “discovering all the bosses,” today. None of the fights are crazy difficult but almost all have an extremely punishing mechanic that I think is better seen ahead of time rather than explained in chat.

SPOILER ALERT: for example there is a boss that will wipe you if one person doesn’t run to a console and relay to the rest of the group what order to put four colors in. Not something easily explained without pictures.

Just getting the neck is a 226 right? I thought it was at least but wowhead is showing it as a 200 piece

Yea, its 226 according to people who have done it. It’s apparently still REALLY good even after the heavy nerfs.