Are you coming back with friends?

I don’t know anyone in real life that plays wow, and haven’t been able to keep a steady subscription for some time due to burnout and other issues. So I’m going to know no one.

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I know people that will be playing but not anyone that wants to raid on a PvP server.

an entire guild.


I only had two real life friends who played back then, I’ve since lost contact with both.

I’ll be returning by myself haha.


My SO may return with me, and our son might as well.

Returning with old friends, and new friends. If you want some new friends give us a look.

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Hopefully my cousin will play again. He didn’t play much in Vanilla but he did have an account. Otherwise I am looking forward to meeting some new people.

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I’ll be playing with friends I’ve met through _______ servers. As much as I’d like to play with real life friends, they’ll probably quit by level 6 so I don’t see the point.

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P… Painted?

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i managed to keep in contact with an old guildmate from classic so will be playing with him. and in the classic environment im sure we will be able to make some good friendships

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I’ve spoken to some people, they express some interest but not so much as to roll entirely on it. It also depends on faction - some are Ally, some are Horde. Hoping to find a good guild at launch.

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Most of RL friends, co-workers, old guild mates and family.
I hope they bring back nath PvP server.

All my real life friends play alliance. But once horde, always horde. Red is dead! I’ll be leveling a horde on a PvP server and will raid. If you want to exchange battle tags let me know!

I didn’t have friends then and I don’t have friends now! 8]

Friends aren’t real… only people to make you feel like you’re not alone.

I’ll be returning with some family and friends. We all played vanilla together back in the day and are looking forward to playing together again. I’ll echo Gurrag, and would welcome community minded individuals to co-ordinate servers with!

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Coming back all by my lonesome. I only really knew a few people from vanilla on anyway. Easy to make friends/people to play with in the game though, especially in an environment with no CRZ, etc.

I know a couple of people that played back then that will play some again. I thought we will spend as much as time as before. But this time, I might get my son to play as well.

Returning with a combination of friends from in-game and not. Some are from our time as horde on Alexstrazia under the guild banner of Battlemaster ( I played an Elemental Shaman - ‘Aussieboy’ ) and some from our time as Alliance - Dark Nova on Dunemaul ( I played a Deathknight Tank - ‘Death’ as well as a Mage - ‘Frazzle’ )

I’m bringing some IRL friends that are new to vanilla/Classic o3o