Are you a leader of a dead or dying guild?

Is your guild losing members faster than you can replace them?
Are you a person with Officer/GM experience in WoW on Emerald Dream?
Perhaps you run a raid team and wish you could find new raiders by joining a large group of players across multiple Alliance servers?


The Old Gods exist across 5 Horde and 5 Alliance servers! We all use the same discord, so finding people for raids/groups/keys has never been easier or faster!

We are looking to expand onto Emerald Dream, and we need leaders to help start recruiting and forming a community!

Does this sound like you? Are you willing to help us keep growing?

If so, please contact me here in this post and either give meā€¦

  • your in game character name
  • your discord info so I can join it and chat with you

or send me a friend invite on discord (Fire#7527). Iā€™d love to talk with you about merging your guild leadership into our system!

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Get off my lawn.


Has anyone else noticed these multi server guilds are nothing more than banner ad bots.

They are all like you have to use our dicord > which requires you to register on a 3rd party website > which is loaded with banner ads and logs more of your personal data than facebook > and to get promoted in guild we require you do it.

But hey they have been doing this since 2004 according to every one of the themā€¦ but you are just now hearing about the because reasons.

This is seriously becoming a issue blizzard needs to look into. Iā€™ve been spam invite by over 3 different guild names for the same discord none sense that takes you to a 3rd party website.


I have noticed the increase in ā€˜multiserverā€™ guilds, but assumed it had to do with the introduction of communities and the popularity of Discord. Is this one in particular, as you describe, a ā€˜banner ad botsā€™? If so, we should possibly make the effort to report this topic together.

I donā€™t want to jump to conclusions, of course. Although, I feel players sometimes need protecting from shady behaviors.

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I have no idea what a ā€œbanner ad botā€ guild is.
We just all play on the same discord. Itā€™s not mandatory. There is no fee of any kind. There is no 3rd party website that steals info.

We just play across multiple servers and group up on the discord.
Thatā€™s it. :slight_smile:

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That sounds cool, man. :sunglasses: You can never be too safe online, however. I canā€™t blame Slade for being suspicious. :sweat_smile: I hope everything works out.

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I eat cross realm maggots like you for breakfast lunch and dinner

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Thatā€™s not very niceā€¦ :open_mouth:

Do you guys do any PvP?

We run PvP events weekly!

The GM position has been filled, but we still need Officers!
If interested, please let me know and Iā€™ll send you to the GM to speak further!

Is there an actual in-game guild on the server or is this a ā€˜guildā€™ that uses the community feature and Discord? While Iā€™d love to help, I am already in a guild as you can see.

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Each server has itā€™s own The Old Gods guild that is run by itā€™s own leadership, but they all use the same discord so we can all raid and group up for dungeons across our factions. Obviously Alliance canā€™t group with Horde, but all Horde servers can group up and same with Alliance servers grouping together.

Even if youā€™re not in guild, you are always welcome to join our discord and run events with us. :slight_smile: