So are you a Cat or Dog Person? Also what faction do you primarily play?
Let’s see if there is a correlation between the two!
I’m a Cat Person and Play Alliance.
So are you a Cat or Dog Person? Also what faction do you primarily play?
Let’s see if there is a correlation between the two!
I’m a Cat Person and Play Alliance.
I’m a Catgirl person .
Ok… but what faction do you primarily play?
Cat Person - Alliance.
I prefer cats.
I like dogs just fine though
I play alliance
Dog person. Alliance.
Cats (I have 3 boys)
Horde, specifically forsaken
I’m a cat person that is cursed with bad cat allergies. Yup even the hairless ones. They got just enough dander to trigger it.
I’m mostly Horde but I dabble with Alliance here and there. Like to get Heritage Armors.
Dog, Alliance.
Cats and both factions.
Cat and Alliance.
Nothing against dogs as long as they belong to someone else.
I’m an animal of all types person, so it makes sense I play Alliance and Horde xD (even if my main is Horde I have an even mix of both).
Also… happy wave to the reptile owners
Alliance, but only by a slight margin.
I’ve had six dogs over the years, but I like cats just fine. Just never owned any. And over the 18 years I’ve been playing WoW, I’d say about 95% of that has been as Alliance.
Both and Horde
Dog, Horde
By circumstance, I’m more commonly on Alliance. I’m biased against dogs because there are a lot of dog owners in my neighborhood, and this creates certain situations that deeply annoy or frustrate me.
It’s been well over a decade since I have owned any pets, but I am a cat person through and through. I love everything Felidae. Small ones, big ones.
I primarily play Alliance, but I play both factions.