Are We the Only Ones Who Are Unhappy?

i feel happier recently but im on anti depressants

I finally found someone who’s unhappy, but his only complaint with the story seems to be that it’s disjointed. (Which it is.)

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Most people praising or being okay with the story don’t pay attention and are just in it for the “whoa, cool” factor whenever a new cinematic comes out presuming whatever led up to that cinematic was probably fine.

I’ve got a “friend” like that who does nothing but arenas and M+ but seems to really love the old god story because it’s so totally gothic and creepy. They didn’t even blink when N’zoth went pop because “Old gods don’t die”.


Pretty much the latter.

That is completely false.


Most people who think the story is good are people who haven’t read a book since they were forced to high school.

If anyone can say with a straight face that BfA’s story is “good,” Its safe to presume:

  1. They are shilling

  2. They don’t know what constitutes a story.

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