Are We the Only Ones Who Are Unhappy?

Wow, I think this is a record for the longest reply I’ve ever seen Kat type. Usually she seems to only be capable of one sentence or less.


It’s a shame that people give him so much attention.


The only strong things in BFA story wise for me was Drustvar, the whole of Zandalar from start to end (Uldir) and Jaina’s story from her punishment to being forgiven.

I still cry when I watch the cinematic where Katharine finds Jaina in Thros.


To me MoP was blizzards peak in story telling. One aspect i loved was how the Alliance and Horde war was the catalyst for all the story arcs and the main one from those (The sha) kept on connecting back up to the AvH plot. Such as the Divine Bell and of course, Siege of Orgrimmar.

Dread Wastes is a fun experience. It is still sad that we have to fight the Paragons, but they did warn us what they would do if Y’shaarj ever returned. Lei Shen was an interesting character for what little story he got. He was a son of a Mogu Warlord to refused to take his position of Warlord because he felt the Mogu were meant for something more. Took on Ra-den and won, and then conquered majority of Pandaria. He even had respect for Xuen as a fighter. Fighting someone for 40 days would tire anyone out.

And the Burdens of Shaohao. I love how the Sha of Pride can be felt throughout the story but neither the celestials nor Shaohao knew of its existence. Pride played the long game. It is a nice twist that the Pandaren believe their great Emperor saved them, when in reality they all got played. Shaohaos own pride got the best of him. I honestly believe Pride would’ve been defeated if he just walked away from the Terrance of Endless Springs and just let Pandaria suffer the Sundering like everyone else. But he was too arrogant to see that. We are talking about someone who was hoping for an easy reign, someone who demanded Xuen to give him his trainees to fight the Legion because he was Emperor. We are talking about someone who originally wanted to exclude the Mogu, Mantid and Yaungol from the ritual he was doing.

You can tell that BFA was the new writing teams attempt to do MoP 2.0. Shame they ignored what made MoP good.


I only come to forums because

  1. Lore is so effing good I feel the need to debate.
  2. Game/lore is so effing bad I waste my sub trolling forums instead of playing.
    And imo youtube is just ‘whatever sells’.

I agree, but you’d think if there was widespread disappointment with the story, then talking about that would sell.

Re MoP, I liked everything about it EXCEPT the Horde warchief becoming the Big Bad of the whole expansion without an equivalent mess happening on the Alliance side. They could have made Garrosh work if the Alliance ever dealt with their own disastrously bad leader, preferably at the same time, but making it one-sided started the spiral that has led the Horde to the dismal place where it is now, lore-wise.


After Teldrassil they probably thought this through some more and decided against it.

Ehhh… Then they should have taken out the “Thunderbluff will burn, just like Teldrassil” line from the Thrall x Jaina cinematic.

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And the dialogue of Saurfang getting upset over Rastakhan’s death should have been removed too given how absurd it sounded, especially with a Teldrassil reminder that Saurfang should have seen from Nagrand given the story arc he was on was the obvious comeback.

Not to defend Blizz but these two things (among others) feel like it was their original plan to have a different character other than Saurfang there (maybe Saurfang was the original prisoner) and they fully intended to trash Thunder Bluff and Stormwind, but given the extreme bad reactions to Teldrassil from the Alliance and a large portion of the Horde playerbase they back pedaled and some details were overlooked in the course correction.

I think a lot of things that feel out of place, out of character, etc could just be loose ends from a narrative 180 after launch. Maybe Thunder Bluff and Stormwind being sacked and destroyed was the original plan and once that was out of the question N’Zoth became the sacrificial lamb for 8.3 and was handed an idiot ball to hold.


Last time my sub ran out they shut down my forum access so hard they went back and deleted three of my posts that I managed to make before my forum access caught up with my game access.

I dunno what is letting you post but the forum seems very efficient when my sub runs out.


My unrefined spite towards the writers and my willpower fueled by the Night Warrior prevents them from silencing me.

This also happens any time my sub runs out. I go to make a post and it’s zapped instantly.


I didnt want to post my experiences because I would hate to shine too much of a light on the people who somehow get away with it.

ONE TIME my sub lapsed, and I was able to post for a few hours, and then no longer. Every other time it lapses, my forum access is SHUTDOWN. Immediately. I do not know how others post for lengths of time without a sub, but it does not work for me.

And to be honest, I am of two minds on it. I do not think its fair that people who hate the game and arent paying a sub can flood the forums with their abject bitterness. But on the other hand, hey, we all are human, and not everyone is so malicious. Some people just want to chat Warcraft.

(sorry for the derailment - but yeah)

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I always felt the same way. I mean it’s not like there aren’t a bunch of 3rd party websites and social media platforms that don’t that also host WoW discussions.

I think most of WoW’s issues simply come from it’s massive size compared to the competition. It’s had dozens of millions of players over the decade(s). Even at its lowest points, its active subscriber numbers utterly dwarf the vast majority of its competition at their height.

And that success doesn’t come without its fair share of issues.

Say you have 3 million players and something happens in game. About 95% of players can be happy/indifferent. About 5% of players are upset. That’s 250k-ish people. The population of Baton Rouge Louisiana. Akron Ohio. Orlando Florida.

Say that less than .001% of those people take to the general forums to post threads or participate in them. That’s still 200 people. If only 1% of those people are super passionate, you still have a couple of super active posters spamming the same threads/arguments.

So WoW’s size really serves to magnify disatisfaction. There’s also the fact that nobody cares enough to complain about you when you’re small. Being in first place means everybody suddenly has to have an opinion on you.

But I went off on a tangent. I think it’s fine that unsubscribed people can post, but maybe they could try to thread the needle by tying it with Trust level? An active subscription gives you something like +1 permanent trust level or something.


Attempting to engage in any argument with Kat is counterproductive, sure, but tossing a sentence or two his way in order to mock his behavior on here is a slightly less wasteful use of my time.


That’s what reddit is for I think this forums should be for people paying to play feedback and other forums for others blizzard does look too Reddit at least

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Yeah but if people stopped biting his really obvious and horribly constructed bait then maybe he’d go away and spend more time playing the game he claims to love so much instead of spending it all being a tumor on the forums.


/> Story forum is an echo chamber. People who say positive things about the story are regularly shown “why they’re wrong,” so that they change their mind or quiet down. People who are more positive in other spaces often don’t encounter that kind of pushback.

/> The story forum takes a hyper-critical eye to the story as an overall gestalt with all its logic and backstory, while a lot of people in other places don’t notice retcons or inconsistencies and just enjoy the cinematic as cinematic, for example.

/> squeaky wheel effect: people come to the forums specifically to kvetch.

/> Getting attention: really negative threads / posts tend to get attention (source: all my most popular posts and all the most popular posts of several of my friends are whiny rants), while in other places (like YouTube) other incentives exist to boost shilling and positivity


Kind of, but also, if people hated the story enough, they probably switched to ESO, FF14, or quit — and a great many people did on my realm.
So there is also something of an echo chamber in terms of who remains.

Also, weirdly, I remember when I unsubbed in WoD, I wasn’t angry at WoW, I just didn’t care anymore.

I think anger is a response to still caring but being disappointed.

A Blizzard dev once said that people who unsub are mostly just people moving on with their lives.
And you know, I remember actually saying I was too busy for WoW in that form I filled out when I quit.
But in retrospect, I feel that misrepresents what I was going through.
My job was getting to be incredibly stressful, and I no longer found WoW fun. Garrisons were just a second job with no payoff or enjoyment except making more gold to invest in more Garrisons for more alts.
I somewhat regret how lenient I was in the language I used when I unsubbed, but at the time, I wasn’t trying to be coherent, I was just trying to get by.


The Hero of Kvatch?