Are we stuck watching streams for the next 3 months?

nothing to see here back to the P. severs

Sorry not true. Me and 3 real life friends who have played in vanilla, we all got beta invites. The maybe .001 of the beta is streamers

I refuse to watch them and I’m glad I’m not in the beta as it’d just dim my enthusiasm once it goes live. Don’t look at it and it’ll go away?

I agree with the thought “Don’t watch the streams don’t spoil it”. However iv spoiled this once already years ago on Nost so i’m not to awful concerned about myself more about the longevity of the community ( I know i sound reeeee).

I don’t want 6 months into Classic every other YouTube video flaming Blizzard for their short comings once again.

This is a valid point. I think they are over hyping the beta. It’s very easy to get burnt out on all of this. I myself have been burnt out just watchign content videos and streamers in the last weeks. I feel like I may have gone too far and taken some of the joy out of the actual release, so I am scaling back and simply waiting.

I don’t want to play the beta either, or watch someone playing it. I would like to review some things to improve my gameplay, but I’ve done that and I am ready to wait now.

People too will stop tuning into streaming much once the hype wears down, and once the game launches. People will be playing instead of watching a stream.

Basically, the point is, we are excited, let’s not burnout before it even launches.


Hype is a personal thing,and like say black Friday it’s up to you as an individual to not become one of the ravenous hoard.
It’s not the companies fault that you trampled over somebody to get that hot new item for 80% off, and it’s not the companies fault if you burn yourself out or over hype yourself about their game.

in a word yea.

I do have professional experience in marketing actually. That’s why I’m saying this. In the professional world it’s called affiliate marketing. You see it when youtubers or streamers will partner with a company to promote a certain product.
There is almost no risk since Blizzard is putting up zero capital and the incentive for streamers to stream the content is evident in the amount of viewers they are capturing. Not only that, but it’s YOU (the Twitch consumer) who is supplying the revenue to advertise to yourself.

Sure a lot of people already know about classic. This isn’t direct customer acquisition like a pizza commercial or something along those lines. This is all about hype and SEO. The more people search and view classic WoW the higher up it goes in the index. This is actually brilliant marketing from a business standpoint. They essentially are getting all of this for free and like someone already said, all they need to do is pull the plug on someone who they feel is doing damage. I don’t think that is a big concern anyways as no streamer I have seen has said Classic sucks.

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I watch some streamers for short bursts just to see what they are doing and how the game is playing.

As far as streamers or YT videos denigrating Blizzard’s attempt to remake Vanilla WoW, I usually ignore them.

Streamers and Youtube “content” creators have a very different perspective about WoW that I would. I just want to play the ole game with a bunch of people who are excited to play. Maybe farm some rare items, PvP and raid.

If you feel your hype for the game waning, I would avoid all things WoW: Classic. It’s going to be live in less than 90 days. That is not long, and will fly by if you’re not overly concerning yourself with the time.


Classic launches for me on the 26th.*

I’m watching a brook. Am I doing it right?

No. Your’e stuck going outside, taking care of your personal business, playing other games, etc.

Dig up an old game and replay/grind away at that.

I’m losing myself in Monster Rancher 2 for the next couple of months to occupy myself outside of work and other obligations.