Are we stuck watching streams for the next 3 months?

this is why i’m here. rather hang out with you guys. /hugs /chugs /wrist


It is for the next 3 months. Do like me and stop watching Streamers. The game is release August 27th. If you “ruin” it, that’s your issue.

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Oh it’s a shame that kill all streamers post died so fast, you guys would have loved it.

Nah don’t. It’s very different from beta. There’s actually a lot of differences. I’ve tried 2 major private servers and I’m playing beta right now. If you pserver you’ll just gimp yourself for release imo. The leveling pace is different, the loot tables are different, the mobs have different(more) abilities etc etc.

Most importantly almost none of the pserver macros work. /script doesn’t work and most(?) /run macros don’t work either.

People keep saying this, yet it makes no sense. Is there anyone here who didn’t know Classic was coming before they saw a streamer playing the beta? Was there anyone who was on the fence? Who is this free advertising aimed at?

And let’s not forget that this would be an incredibly risky form of advertising. If you commission a billboard or TV ad you have total control over the message. Blizz has no control over what streamers do. Guys like Asmond could just as easily spend the entire beta straight up trashing the game. Why would you base your entire ad campaign on the whims of random streamers who are more loyal to their fanbase than the game?

Can anyone with actual experience and/or training in professional marketing explain this to me?

It doesn’t have to make sense,they’ve convinced them selves beyond a shadow of a doubt. it boggles my mind that they stick around if they ‘‘know’’ everything’s a scheme But it’s not my place to tell people they are wasting their time and money.

Remember, people believe the earth is flat,non ironically there was even a Netflix doc about it.

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Yeah, I know. Blizzard won’t even allow satirical calls to violence in a forum full of people who hate the target.

Streamer prio, man…

For one, I don’t think much was allocated to the Classic team for advertising. They probably couldn’t afford a TV ad, and I don’t think a single billboard is going to do much to bring the target audience in.

I know you think Classic is for the hardcore old school fans, but for it to be successful and authentic Blizzard needs to bring in new players as well. The people they chose to do that are kids who loved the game in 2004-2006 and want to share it with more people.

All while getting a bit of cash from donations on the side.

Streamer privilege indeed,got blizzard watching their backs.

Literally after the stress test servers closed I went on retail and I did four world quests then logged off. Retail is so boring.


With a capital B at this point.

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pretty much,enjoy it or ignore it.

After a week and a half of splurging on twitch streams, I’m winding down. It’s not that I don’t enjoy seeing them battle it out, it’s simply that there is too much heart ache involved, and the more I watch, the more I see, the more I long to be apart of that fun.

No hate here. Just pure longing. It’ll be soon enough, until then we just need to distract ourselves with other things, unfortunately.

Nobody say’s you HAVE to watch streams for the next 3 months :slight_smile:

You don’t have to watch them. Choose not to.

How dare you bring personal responsibility and logic into the forums.


No self respecting adult would be beholden to personal responsibility, it’s everybody else job to work around OP

No. Just don’t watch them.

When I start playing Classic, I want to play my own game. And there is certainly no need to watch anyone streaming anything, unless you happen to like the person doing it.

Matter of choice, really.

It makes perfect sense. These streamers cost Blizzard very little if anything at all, so its essentially free advertising to a whole host of different gamers.

Secondly Blizzard has all kinds of control, mainly that they pull the plug on your access and cut you off. Right now these streamers are making bank off of Classic streams, so unless they are just stupid they will tow the line. Also there is a reason Blizzard invited many of them to the offices before beta went live, Im going to guess expectations were discussed. I’m sure they are being watched fairly closely.

Finally, this isn’t something new Blizzard is trying, they’ve done it for the last couple of expansion betas as well.

It’s only advertising if it is positive. How much do you think Blizz would care if these people were to suddenly turn on Classic the way they did on BfA? Do you think Chick-Fil-A has the same viewpoint about all the “free advertising” they get from people protesting their political stance that I don’t want to get into here?

Give me one example of Blizzard ever cutting access to anyone for having a negative opinion of their product. You may as well say they could have these streamers killed for not “towing the line”. This is just conspiritard nonsense. There is no reason to believe this is true.

Do you mean allowing streamers and YT personalities to access betas? Yes. That is true. But the difference is every single expansion has contained new content. New races, new classes, new mechanics, new quests, new zones, and so on. Classic is the antithesis of this. Classic is the very definition of “not new”.

Classic is not something that Blizzard has been developing behind the scenes with the slim hope that the public will accept it. It is a version of the game that people have been screaming for. This is not something they need to promote in the same way as new content. The vast majority of Classic players who will last more than a month made the decision as to if they wanted to play months ago.

Apparently Blizzard believes they do.

And yes I have very little doubt if some of these guys come out tomorrow and started beating on Classic they wouldn’t pull the plug. Here is the catch though, they aren’t. They are all making too much money from it to do that.